Outlandish Particle Periodic Table update IX


Tony Lance

Hi there,
Salient features:-
Cern list of 900 experimental particle results in MeV, double
precision and mathematical (Fortran 77)
The list alone is not available anywhere-else, as a single list.
Not definitive.
42 year scientific project, by ex-Mensa member. (They stopped
concessionary subscriptions)
10 year ago table basis was electron value of 227879226. (update IX
gives 3224486665)
Given the same preview of Periodic table of elements, you would have
been champing at the bit,
instead of snorting.
You are not really into science fiction are you?
Thank you,
Tony Lance
(e-mail address removed)

Tony Lance

From: Tony Lance <[email protected]>
Newsgroups: alt.folklore.urban,sci.space.policy
Subject: Re: Big Bertha Thing blogs
Date: Aug 20 2005, 16:54 pm

Big Bertha Thing galois

Nobody understood a thing he said, when he was alive.
After he was dead, they decided that he had done a good job.
The Galois Theory branch of mathematics bears his name.
Now they are trying to teach me, what he did in the first place.
Do you think that the penny will drop, before it becomes posthumous?

Tony Lance
(e-mail address removed)

Tony Lance

Hi there,
The number of polkadots on an equilatteral triangle is given by the
formula sumation N.
Let N = 80305 and the total is 3224486665

As Groucho Marx said "I would not want to join any club, that would
have me as a member!"
Thank you,
Tony Lance
(e-mail address removed)

Tony Lance

From: Tony Lance <[email protected]>
Newsgroups: rec.autos.makers.honda,sci.space.history
Subject: Re: Big Bertha Thing blogs
Date: Oct 10 2006, 13:38 pm

Big Bertha Thing sumation
Cosmic Ray Series
Possible Real World System Constructs
Web 2 file access page for 78K Zip File, see link:-

Count the number of polka-dots on an equilatteral triangle.

Ready to run Fortran 77 program software, using double
precision and extended precision versions. Complete
with source code in listing format and the original
extended precision subroutine source code.
Sumation N = N*N + N all over 2, where N=1,2,3,..N
(C) Copyright Tony Lance 2000
To comply with my copyright, please distribute
complete and free of charge.

Big Bertha Thing postings

Depleted uranium shells were once used at great cost,
in terms of Gulf War Syndrome.

At Agincourt the English long bow took a large toll,
due to the arrows being armour-piercing and re-useable.

The above shells were armour-piercing,
but can hardly be called re-useable
and should not have been used once.

Big Bertha Thing posting features;-
1. Ornate Engraving and Scrollwork.
2. Re-useable.
3. Armour-piercing.
4. Zero casualties.
5. Re-configurable.
6. Accurate.
7. Tactical.
8. Strategic.
9. Scientific.
10. Weighty.
11. Start of Thread.
12. Brand Name.
13. Banned on moderators conference.
14. Whole moderators thread deleted,
with the exception of tenure posting.
15. Tenure read only request withdrawn.
16. 2K Anecdote (Assault Rifle Bullet and detonator.) Day 23
17. 4K Preface (Anecdote and Attachment description.) Day 24
18. 50K Attachment
(Powder charge for shell with detonator.) Days 1 - 20
19. 600K Attachment
(powder charge for bomb with detonator.) Days 21, 22
20. 50K postings pair, with 12 on-topic and 6 off-topic.
Hydrogen bomb (2 shells with jacket of water; H2O) Days 25, 26
21. Odd configurations. (Landmine, boobytrap and armistice terms.)
22. Zip disc spanning.
(Manual operation encryption technique.) Day 21, 22
23. Potential CD-Rom triology.
24. Astrophysics web-ring web site.
25. PI web-ring web site with software.
26. Web publisher for unpublished scientific works,
including fringe.
27. Particle periodic table research project with results
and software.
28. First Aid Tent for Spam Attack Victim Support Group.
29. Sesame Street beat Darth Vader twice.
(1st and 2nd Battles of Cyberspace.)
30. To the victor the spoils; a web site built on them.
(level 2 HTML)
31. Politics makes poor science.

Tony Lance
(e-mail address removed)

Tony Lance

From: Tony Lance <[email protected]>
Newsgroups: rec.autos.makers.honda,sci.space.history
Subject: Re: Big Bertha Thing blogs
Date: Nov 23 2006, 12:40 pm

Big Bertha Thing pastures
Cosmic Ray Series
Possible Real World System Constructs
Web 2 file access page for 138K Zip File, see link:-

Worked example of Outlandish Particle Periodic Table in Structure
complete with programs, source code in listing format and

Pastures Software Package.
(Particle Structure Results Program, in Fortran 77.)
Sub-atomic Mesons, Baryons and Leptons Classification System.
(C) Copyright Tony Lance 1997
Distribute complete and free of charge to comply.

Big Bertha Thing cricket

The Rules of Cricket
by Tony Lance

1. 1st side goes in till all out. (10 out of 11)
2nd side goes in till all out.
1st side wins.
i Rain stops play is draw.
ii 2nd side scores more, game stops they win.
iii Equal final scores are a draw.

2. Every run counts one.
i A no runs boundary hit counts 4.
ii A no runs clean over boundary hit counts 6.
iii A no hit too wide counts 1.
iv A no hit boundary counts 4.
v A no hit over boundary counts 6. (missing rule)
vi A no hit can still be run.

3. Caught out or bowled out. (owzat!)
i Stumped out.
ii Run out.
iii Thrown out.
iv Trod on wicket.
v Retired injured.

Exception to all of above.
Runner for slightly injured.

Street Cricket

Forget all the exceptions and rules 1 and 2.
i Cut out bat.
ii Rubber ball.
iii Piece of chalk.

Owner of bat goes first.
Owner of ball goes first.
Fielder bowls next.
Bowled out, bowler bats.
Caught out, catcher bats and swaps bat for ball.
The end
(C) Copyright Tony Lance 2000
Distribute complete and free of charge to comply.

Tony Lance
(e-mail address removed)

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