Inner classes are real useful, especially if you do something like
SomeOtherClass soc = <something>;
SomeOtherClass.Inner o = soc.new Inner() { public void overrideStuff()
{} };
I like being able to override functionality of inner classes this way
when the inner class does something that really belongs to a particular
enclosing object. For example, SpriteWorld.Sprite.
But there seems to be no way to make a non-anonymous class that extends
another class's inner class. I've tried using the static keyword here
and there but it doesn't work.
It seems like this should be possible without messing up the integrity
of the object architecture.
SomeOtherClass soc = <something>;
SomeOtherClass.Inner o = soc.new Inner() { public void overrideStuff()
{} };
I like being able to override functionality of inner classes this way
when the inner class does something that really belongs to a particular
enclosing object. For example, SpriteWorld.Sprite.
But there seems to be no way to make a non-anonymous class that extends
another class's inner class. I've tried using the static keyword here
and there but it doesn't work.
It seems like this should be possible without messing up the integrity
of the object architecture.