I have noticed that after switching to 3.5 from 2.0 after a server.transfer,
the page lifecycle of the new page run but when its done, it comes back to
the original page to finish the page lifecycle there. this causes errors in
my web application.
is there a change in 3.5 that causes this issue?
page_load of 1st page, => server.transfer => page_load/Render etc of 2nd
page => returns to 1st page to finish page_load and rest of events.
in 2.0, the executing code never returned to 1st page. We have exception
logging that is now getting filled up with these exceptions that it didn't
used to do in 2.0.
the page lifecycle of the new page run but when its done, it comes back to
the original page to finish the page lifecycle there. this causes errors in
my web application.
is there a change in 3.5 that causes this issue?
page_load of 1st page, => server.transfer => page_load/Render etc of 2nd
page => returns to 1st page to finish page_load and rest of events.
in 2.0, the executing code never returned to 1st page. We have exception
logging that is now getting filled up with these exceptions that it didn't
used to do in 2.0.