Thank you for your valuable advice. I have done precisely that. Have
included the function inside a package and using it now. One more
thing, if i write another program and call the above one as a
component, should i be able to proceed? As since the one above doesnt
entirely use concurrent statements. Iam a beginner and hope these
aren't the kind of questions considered nonsensical.
The code you originally posted contains what is called in VHDL an
"entity", which defines nothing more than the I/O of a black box that
you might want to instantiate at some point, along with an
"architecture", which tells a synthesizer or a simulator how to build
or model the black box. So as long as you realize that there are only
certain places where you are allowed to instantiate a component (never
inside a process or inside a function or subprogram body, for
example), then yes, you can re-use the entity/architecture code you
Incidentally, the (or at least my) preferred way to instantiate the
"component" (which in this case is an entity) is *not* to write a
separate component declaration, the way many on-line examples are
written. This is archaic and is just extra work. There's usually no
need for a separate component declaration, just use the entity
directly. Instead, in the architecture of your higher level module,
just include the square root entity directly like so:
architecture example of something_bigger
sqrt_1 : entity work.integer_squareroot port map (clk => top_clk, d=>
top_d, q => top_q, remainder => top_rem);
end architecture example;
to hook up to your top level signals. You can instantiate a pair of
these and build a module which computes x^(1/4) for example.
- Kenn