Hi! This is my code so far:
This code analyzes a python file.
How can I separate CallFunc from the est of the ast node?
file.py is as follows:
def fun1():
print "Hi"
def fun2():
def fun4():
The output from running this program (not file.py) is:
Func name: fun1
Func line number: 1
Stmt([Printnl([Const('Hi')], None), Discard(CallFunc(Name('fun2'), [],
None, None)), Discard(CallFunc(Name('fun4'), [], None, None))])
isinstance false
Func name: fun2
Func line number: 6
isinstance false
Func name: fun4
Func line number: 9
isinstance false
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/home/glich/compi.py", line 15, in <module>
print "\nFunc name: " + str(func.name)
AttributeError: Discard instance has no attribute 'name'
Please note the traceback is not important right now. I can deal with
that on my own.
What I want to do is sepperate "CallFunc(Name('fun2'), [], None,
None)" from each "func.code" and furthermore to get "fun2" from
"CallFunc(Name('fun2'), [], None, None)" (my ultimate goal!).
I gues I could split the string but I need to be able to get
"CallFunc(Name(****)" from "func.code" which might have multiple
"CallFunc(Name(****)" such as:
"Stmt([Printnl([Const('Hi')], None), Discard(CallFunc(Name('fun2'),
[], None, None)), Discard(CallFunc(Name('fun4'), [], None, None))])"
which is an "ast" repesentation of the function "fun1" in "file.py".
If some one could show me how to use something called "visitor"? I
would be very grateful. I did not understand the documentation and I
am in need of more SIMPLE example code. Any way, thanks.
Is there somthing along the lines of:
CallFunc(Name('fun2'), [], None, None)
import compiler
import compiler.ast
parse_file = compiler.parseFile("/home/glich/file.py")
count = 0
for count, func in enumerate(parse_file.node.nodes):
print "\nFunc name: " + str(func.name) # Prints function name.
print "Func line number: " + str(func.lineno) + "\n"
print str(func.code) + "\n"
if isinstance(func, compiler.ast.CallFunc):
print "isinstance true" # This should be called sometimes.
print "isinstance false" # This is always called.... but why?!?!?
Hi! This is my code so far:
This code analyzes a python file.
How can I separate CallFunc from the est of the ast node?
file.py is as follows:
def fun1():
print "Hi"
def fun2():
def fun4():
The output from running this program (not file.py) is:
Func name: fun1
Func line number: 1
Stmt([Printnl([Const('Hi')], None), Discard(CallFunc(Name('fun2'), [],
None, None)), Discard(CallFunc(Name('fun4'), [], None, None))])
isinstance false
Func name: fun2
Func line number: 6
isinstance false
Func name: fun4
Func line number: 9
isinstance false
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/home/glich/compi.py", line 15, in <module>
print "\nFunc name: " + str(func.name)
AttributeError: Discard instance has no attribute 'name'
Please note the traceback is not important right now. I can deal with
that on my own.
What I want to do is sepperate "CallFunc(Name('fun2'), [], None,
None)" from each "func.code" and furthermore to get "fun2" from
"CallFunc(Name('fun2'), [], None, None)" (my ultimate goal!).
I gues I could split the string but I need to be able to get
"CallFunc(Name(****)" from "func.code" which might have multiple
"CallFunc(Name(****)" such as:
"Stmt([Printnl([Const('Hi')], None), Discard(CallFunc(Name('fun2'),
[], None, None)), Discard(CallFunc(Name('fun4'), [], None, None))])"
which is an "ast" repesentation of the function "fun1" in "file.py".
If some one could show me how to use something called "visitor"? I
would be very grateful. I did not understand the documentation and I
am in need of more SIMPLE example code. Any way, thanks.
Is there somthing along the lines of:
CallFunc(Name('fun2'), [], None, None)
import compiler
import compiler.ast
parse_file = compiler.parseFile("/home/glich/file.py")
count = 0
for count, func in enumerate(parse_file.node.nodes):
print "\nFunc name: " + str(func.name) # Prints function name.
print "Func line number: " + str(func.lineno) + "\n"
print str(func.code) + "\n"
if isinstance(func, compiler.ast.CallFunc):
print "isinstance true" # This should be called sometimes.
print "isinstance false" # This is always called.... but why?!?!?