I have an XML file that has an element called "Node". These can be nested to any depth and the depth of the nesting is not known to me. I need to parse the file and preserve the nesting. For exmaple, if the XML file had:
<Node Name="A">
<Node Name="B">
<Node Name="C">
<Node Name="D">
<Node Name="E">
When I'm parsing Node "E" I need to know I'm in A/B/C/D/E. Problem is I don't know how deep this can be. This is the code I have so far:
nodes = []
def parseChild(c):
if c.tag == 'Node':
if 'Name' in c.attrib:
for c1 in c:
for node in nodes:
print node,
print c.tag
for parent in tree.getiterator():
for child in parent:
for x in child:
My problem is that I don't know when I'm done with a node and I should remove a level of nesting. I would think this is a fairly common situation, but I could not find any examples of parsing a file like this. Perhaps I'm going about it completely wrong.
<Node Name="A">
<Node Name="B">
<Node Name="C">
<Node Name="D">
<Node Name="E">
When I'm parsing Node "E" I need to know I'm in A/B/C/D/E. Problem is I don't know how deep this can be. This is the code I have so far:
nodes = []
def parseChild(c):
if c.tag == 'Node':
if 'Name' in c.attrib:
for c1 in c:
for node in nodes:
print node,
print c.tag
for parent in tree.getiterator():
for child in parent:
for x in child:
My problem is that I don't know when I'm done with a node and I should remove a level of nesting. I would think this is a fairly common situation, but I could not find any examples of parsing a file like this. Perhaps I'm going about it completely wrong.