Parsing results of ps?




I'm a perl beginner and having trouble with what would appear like a
simple task.

I need to capture PID number from each line into a variable while in a
loop. The help I need is how to get to split each line of the output
so that I get the PID number regardless of how many digits long it is.
The output of ps -x gives me the pid number in the first column,
however it seems to be right justified in this column as such:

2193 ? S blahblah blah
26127 pts/0 S blahblah blah
4513 ? S blahblah blah

So when I try to do a split using a space as the delimiter some of the
variables end up empty.

How could I do this so that I always end up with the PID number?



Originally posted by Marv

I'm a perl beginner and having trouble with what would appear like a
simple task.

I need to capture PID number from each line into a variable while in a
loop. The help I need is how to get to split each line of the output
so that I get the PID number regardless of how many digits long it is.
The output of ps -x gives me the pid number in the first column,
however it seems to be right justified in this column as such:

2193 ? S blahblah blah
26127 pts/0 S blahblah blah
4513 ? S blahblah blah

So when I try to do a split using a space as the delimiter some of the
variables end up empty.

How could I do this so that I always end up with the PID number?


If you split $_ without using a pattern leading whitespace is ignored,
so you can do something like this:

#!/usr/bin/perl -w

use strict;

my @arr = <DATA>;

foreach (@arr) {

my($pid) = split;

print "$pid\n" if defined $pid;



2193 ? S blahblah blah

26127 pts/0 S blahblah blah

4513 ? S blahblah blah

This is explained in 'perldoc -f split'

HTH - keith

Gregory Toomey

It was a dark and stormy night, and Marv managed to scribble:

I'm a perl beginner and having trouble with what would appear like a
simple task.

I need to capture PID number from each line into a variable while in a
loop. The help I need is how to get to split each line of the output
so that I get the PID number regardless of how many digits long it is.
The output of ps -x gives me the pid number in the first column,
however it seems to be right justified in this column as such:

2193 ? S blahblah blah
26127 pts/0 S blahblah blah
4513 ? S blahblah blah

So when I try to do a split using a space as the delimiter some of the
variables end up empty.

How could I do this so that I always end up with the PID number?


Here's a snippet of code (based on linux ps) that gives you a start:

for (split '\n', qx(ps -u $> -o pid,tname,etime,cmd --no-headers)) {
#unpack ps line
($pid, $tname, $etime,$cmd) = unpack "a5 x a11 x a8 x a200",$_;
# decode a few fields
$etime =~ /((\d*):)?(\d*):(\d*)$/;
$ehour = $2;
$emin = $3;
# is this process running in the background


Jack D.

Marv said:

I'm a perl beginner and having trouble with what would appear like a
simple task.

I need to capture PID number from each line into a variable while in a
loop. The help I need is how to get to split each line of the output
so that I get the PID number regardless of how many digits long it is.
The output of ps -x gives me the pid number in the first column,
however it seems to be right justified in this column as such:

2193 ? S blahblah blah
26127 pts/0 S blahblah blah
4513 ? S blahblah blah

So when I try to do a split using a space as the delimiter some of the
variables end up empty.

How could I do this so that I always end up with the PID number?

I have had great success with:

It does the splitting for you!


Anno Siegel

Gregory Toomey said:
It was a dark and stormy night, and Marv managed to scribble:
I need to capture PID number from each line into a variable while in a

Here's a snippet of code (based on linux ps) that gives you a start:


Some of these variables aren't used in your code. Those that are used
are only used inside the loop body, so the declaration should be in the
body too (principle of smallest possible scope).
for (split '\n', qx(ps -u $> -o pid,tname,etime,cmd --no-headers)) {

There is no need for split, qx() does that automatically in list context:

for ( qx(ps -u $> -o pid,tname,etime,cmd --no-headers) ) {
#unpack ps line
($pid, $tname, $etime,$cmd) = unpack "a5 x a11 x a8 x a200",$_;
# decode a few fields
$etime =~ /((\d*):)?(\d*):(\d*)$/;
$ehour = $2;
$emin = $3;
# is this process running in the background


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