pascal call in C



I am working on an old program written in c.The program uses a
function like this

"unsigned long int far pascal ReadFile(char *buff,unsigned long int
*size)" .

Is this a PASCAL function CALL from C?Do I need to have Pascal
installed in my system.This has been written in Turbo C 2.0 under
DOS.Any information on this?
Thanks in advance.

Keith Thompson

kkrish said:
I am working on an old program written in c.The program uses a
function like this

"unsigned long int far pascal ReadFile(char *buff,unsigned long int
*size)" .

Is this a PASCAL function CALL from C?Do I need to have Pascal
installed in my system.This has been written in Turbo C 2.0 under
DOS.Any information on this?

Consult the documentation for your compiler. Both "far" and "pascal"
are non-standard. (I think "pascal" specifies a calling convention
compatible with whatever Pascal compiler it's supposed to work with;
"far" has something to do with pointer representations and memory
models, but I don't know how it applies here.)

Alf P. Steinbach

* kkrish:
I am working on an old program written in c.The program uses a
function like this

"unsigned long int far pascal ReadFile(char *buff,unsigned long int
*size)" .

Is this a PASCAL function CALL from C?Do I need to have Pascal
installed in my system.This has been written in Turbo C 2.0 under
DOS.Any information on this?
Thanks in advance.

The above is platform-specific (PC running DOS or 16-bit Windows) and
outdated -- forget it, and implement ReadFile yourself.

Walter Roberson

non-standard. (I think "pascal" specifies a calling convention
compatible with whatever Pascal compiler it's supposed to work with;
"far" has something to do with pointer representations and memory
models, but I don't know how it applies here.)

My guess would be that the 'far' probably indicated that you
might need a 'far' (bigger than normal) pointer to the
ReadFile function itself.


> The above is platform-specific (PC running DOS or 16-bit Windows) and
outdated -- forget it, and implement ReadFile yourself.

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Yes , it is platform specific.Seems you know something about this,
can you provide some more info ,please
Krishna V.J

Alf P. Steinbach

* kkrish:
> [quoting signature]

Please don't quote signatures -- removed.
Yes , it is platform specific.Seems you know something about this,
can you provide some more info ,please

'far' signified a 32-bit pointer as opposed to a 'near' 16-bit pointer;
see the FAQ item "What are ``near'' and ``far'' pointers?" at <url:>.

'pascal' signified a Pascal-like calling convention, essentially that
the function was responsible for adjusting the stack pointer on exit.

Anyway, it doesn't matter: just implement the function yourself.

Mark McIntyre

Yes , it is platform specific.Seems you know something about this,
can you provide some more info ,please

both "far" and "pascal" are nonstandard extensions to C which date
back to the eighties when 16-bit computing was new. A websearch for
"pascal calling convention" will probably reveal all. Further
discussion is offtopic here.
Mark McIntyre

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Therefore, if you write the code as cleverly as possible, you are,
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