In my VHDL DUT I have a generic declared as std_logic_vector as below
generic_name : std_logic_vector := "0100000000";
My verification environment is in System Verilog where I need to pass
a value to this generic during mapping it in System Verilog
..generic_name (),
I cudnt able to pass any value from my test bench and my Questasim
6.3c simulator states
# ** Error: (vsim-3051) VHDL generic 'generic_name' is the wrong type
for the associated Verilog parameter.
Please let me know your thoughts.
Note: I had a workaround by leaving the dut mapping as blank and
passing value during vsim like
In my VHDL DUT I have a generic declared as std_logic_vector as below
generic_name : std_logic_vector := "0100000000";
My verification environment is in System Verilog where I need to pass
a value to this generic during mapping it in System Verilog
..generic_name (),
I cudnt able to pass any value from my test bench and my Questasim
6.3c simulator states
# ** Error: (vsim-3051) VHDL generic 'generic_name' is the wrong type
for the associated Verilog parameter.
Please let me know your thoughts.
Note: I had a workaround by leaving the dut mapping as blank and
passing value during vsim like