passing and declaring vectors and matrices?



What is the usual way to declare real (float) vectors and matrices?
What ways are there to pass them to them into a function (by ref, by
val, pointer) ?

this is what I have...
const int MAX_MAT_DIM = 200;
typedef double TMTMatrix [MAX_MAT_DIM][MAX_MAT_DIM];
typedef double TMTVector [MAX_MAT_DIM];

void myfunc1(TMTVector &y, TMTMatrix &A);
void myfunc2(TMTVector *y, TMTMatrix *A);


TMTMatrix A1, A2;

myfunc1(y, A1);
myfunc2(&y, &A2);

if u is changed in both myfuncs will A1 and A2 change?


Victor Bazarov

What is the usual way to declare real (float) vectors and matrices?
What ways are there to pass them to them into a function (by ref, by
val, pointer) ?

this is what I have...
const int MAX_MAT_DIM = 200;
typedef double TMTMatrix [MAX_MAT_DIM][MAX_MAT_DIM];
typedef double TMTVector [MAX_MAT_DIM];

void myfunc1(TMTVector &y, TMTMatrix &A);
void myfunc2(TMTVector *y, TMTMatrix *A);


TMTMatrix A1, A2;

myfunc1(y, A1);
myfunc2(&y, &A2);

if u is changed in both myfuncs will A1 and A2 change?

What is 'y' here? What is 'u'? How can your question be answered
without knowing what the 'mufunc1' and 'myfunc2' do?



Sorry I meant 'A' not u. I only wrote these functions as examples. My
question is a general one about how to declare and pass vectors upto a
maximum dimension, or open size if that can be done.

Victor said:
What is the usual way to declare real (float) vectors and matrices?
What ways are there to pass them to them into a function (by ref, by
val, pointer) ?

this is what I have...
const int MAX_MAT_DIM = 200;
typedef double TMTMatrix [MAX_MAT_DIM][MAX_MAT_DIM];
typedef double TMTVector [MAX_MAT_DIM];

void myfunc1(TMTVector &y, TMTMatrix &A);
void myfunc2(TMTVector *y, TMTMatrix *A);


TMTMatrix A1, A2;

myfunc1(y, A1);
myfunc2(&y, &A2);

if u is changed in both myfuncs will A1 and A2 change?

What is 'y' here? What is 'u'? How can your question be answered
without knowing what the 'mufunc1' and 'myfunc2' do?



What is the usual way to declare real (float) vectors and matrices?
What ways are there to pass them to them into a function (by ref, by
val, pointer) ?

Try std::vector<float> and std::vector<std::vector<float> >.
Then use pass by reference for passing them to functions.

if A is changed in both myfuncs will A1 and A2 change?

Depends on what you mean by change but generally yes.

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