Hi all,
I have a perl scirpt that needs to pass some data to a ksh script, but
my problem is that one of the strings that I need to pass has a space
in it. So my ksh script thinks that this is 2 different strings. This
is how I have this coded right now:
$type = "com+ app";
system "runshell.ksh ".$item." "$type;
When the runshell.ksh run it looks like it only sees the com+ and not
the 2nd half of the string. Is there a way to encase my type string in
"". I have already tried using "/"com+ app/"" that that didn't seam to
I have a perl scirpt that needs to pass some data to a ksh script, but
my problem is that one of the strings that I need to pass has a space
in it. So my ksh script thinks that this is 2 different strings. This
is how I have this coded right now:
$type = "com+ app";
system "runshell.ksh ".$item." "$type;
When the runshell.ksh run it looks like it only sees the com+ and not
the 2nd half of the string. Is there a way to encase my type string in
"". I have already tried using "/"com+ app/"" that that didn't seam to