Hi, My question is regarding password protecting 2 different folders
inside a single virtual directory using forms authentication method.
Easier if I illustrate things out...
- <authentication mode="Forms">
- Virtual Directory aka Top Level Root = /mysite
- Inside /mysite I have 2 sub-folders which I want to password protect
= /adminonly and /memberonly
- /adminonly is assigned to a single Admin user with a hard-coded pair
of username and password
- /memberonly username and password values are taken from a database,
therefore are dynamic
- I have 2 separate login pages called
/mysite/adminonly/adminlogin.aspx and /mysite/memberlogin.aspx
I have no problems getting things to work for each individual folder
(therefore my programming codes are correct) BUT I cannot get it to
work with both sub-folders at the same time under the same virtual
directory. I am getting very confused with my web.config,
<authorization>, <location path="adminonly">, <location
path="memberonly">, etc. settings.
Please help clear my confusion. Thanks.
inside a single virtual directory using forms authentication method.
Easier if I illustrate things out...
- <authentication mode="Forms">
- Virtual Directory aka Top Level Root = /mysite
- Inside /mysite I have 2 sub-folders which I want to password protect
= /adminonly and /memberonly
- /adminonly is assigned to a single Admin user with a hard-coded pair
of username and password
- /memberonly username and password values are taken from a database,
therefore are dynamic
- I have 2 separate login pages called
/mysite/adminonly/adminlogin.aspx and /mysite/memberlogin.aspx
I have no problems getting things to work for each individual folder
(therefore my programming codes are correct) BUT I cannot get it to
work with both sub-folders at the same time under the same virtual
directory. I am getting very confused with my web.config,
<authorization>, <location path="adminonly">, <location
path="memberonly">, etc. settings.
Please help clear my confusion. Thanks.