So I've been looking at getting certifications starting with PCEP-Entry level. I feel pretty confident that I am definitely beyond entry level. I mean I've written games in pygame, learned some tkinter, regex, pyautogui, and more. I've watched a few videos of what were supposedly real PCEP 30-02 tests and they were no problem. But then I started looking for free practice exams online. I even payed for one of them and its a whole different story. I mean some of the questions are easy but most of them are like designed to trick you with like a lower case 't' in True or a comma instead of a dot. Things that can just dont pop out and catch your eye. Some things like who created python and it was a multiple choice of all the same name with slightly different spellings. Or what was python named after. - The snake - Monty python -... I happened to know that one because of a book I read but I mean come on. And then there were questions asking you to do binary or hexadecimal calculations. What??? What entry level python programmer is doing that? I'll post a picture of one ridiculous question I took a screen shot of. Wasnt nearly the worst but pretty bad. So I'm just wondering like am I as bad of a programmer as these questions are making me feel like. Are these the questions that you really get on the PCEP or no. Maybe the'yre raising the bar to make sure you'll pass??? Idk