Using IE 6.0,IE 7.0,IE 8.0, We are not able to upload the
attachments(*.doc,*.pdf,*.jpeg) in PDA Device. Only text file is able to
attach but in deksotp it works fine for all file types.
We are using the following controls which is generating at runt time.
Button: Dim htb As New HtmlControls.HtmlInputButton("Submit")
Page Name: MultipleAttachment.aspx
Design Code :->
<%@ page language="VB" autoeventwireup="false"
inherits="AttachmentHandler.multipleAttachment" validaterequest="false"
CodeFile="multipleAttachment.aspx.vb" EnableEventValidation="false" %>
<%@ OutputCache Duration="1" VaryByParam="None" %>
<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN"
<html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml" >
<head runat="server">
<form action="" runat="server" method="POST" id="form1"
<asp:Label ID="Label1" runat="server" Text="Add
Attachment"></asp:Label><br />
<br />
<input type="file" id="Browse" name="Browse" />
User can browse the file using Browse button and the Upload button generates
at run time
[Dim htb As New HtmlControls.HtmlInputButton("Submit")] when page
loads.After clicking on Upload the following Submit() function called.
In this function , for PDA, System.Web.HttpContext.Current.Request.Files
always does not contain anything and hence file_coll.Item(0).FileName
Sub AddNewAttachment(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs)
Dim index As Integer
Dim file_coll As HttpFileCollection
Dim uploadedFile As HttpPostedFile
Dim fname As String
Dim filesize As String
'Changes for WAP Attachment Issue starts -- Jeywin Lizy
Dim curAttachmentsfile As New ArrayList()
Dim curAttachments As New ArrayList()
Dim curAttachmentsSize As New ArrayList()
If (Not Session(curTasksAttachFile) Is Nothing) Then
curAttachmentsfile = Session(curTasksAttachFile)
curAttachments = Session(curTasksAttach)
curAttachmentsSize = Session(curTasksAttachSize)
End If
'Changes for WAP Attachment Issue ends -- Jeywin Lizy
If assignmentAuthenticateandGet() Then
'Dim req As System.Web.HttpRequest
file_coll = System.Web.HttpContext.Current.Request.Files 'Get file
collection from request
If (file_coll.Item(0).FileName = "") Then 'jeywin lizy
'If file_coll.Count = 0 Then 'Check
if file collection contains file(s)
'Throw New local_exception("File Collection was not
writeToMsgwindow("File Collection was not found")
If (file_coll.Item(0).ContentLength = 0) Then
'jeywin lizy
'Throw New local_exception("Cannot attach empty
file- upload file")
writeToMsgwindow("Cannot attach empty file-
upload file")
End If
End If
uploadedFile = file_coll.Item(0)
fname = uploadedFile.FileName
filesize = Request.ContentLength
If Request.ContentLength < 10485760 Then
If fname <> "" Then
'Changes for WAP Attachment Issue starts --
Jeywin Lizy
If (file_coll.Item(0).ContentLength > 0) Then
'jeywin lizy
Session(curTasksAttachFile) =
Session(curTasksAttach) = curAttachments
Session(curTasksAttachSize) =
End If
'Changes for WAP Attachment Issue ends --
Jeywin Lizy
End If
'Changes for WAP Attachment Issue starts -- Jeywin
index = 0
Do While index < curAttachments.Count 'Create table
with attachment details
curAttachments.Item(index), curAttachmentsSize.Item(index))
index = index + 1
'Changes for WAP Attachment Issue ends -- Jeywin Lizy
writeToMsgwindow("Can't attach a file larger than 10
End If
End If
Catch ex As Exception
'Throw ex
writeToMsgwindow(ex.Message()) 'Changes for WAP Attachment
Issue starts -- Jeywin Lizy
End Try
End Sub
It seems that rendering not happening for these file types in PDA for
HTMLInput button type but it is happening only in desktop. Please help us in
case; we need to change the control type.
Using IE 6.0,IE 7.0,IE 8.0, We are not able to upload the
attachments(*.doc,*.pdf,*.jpeg) in PDA Device. Only text file is able to
attach but in deksotp it works fine for all file types.
We are using the following controls which is generating at runt time.
Button: Dim htb As New HtmlControls.HtmlInputButton("Submit")
Page Name: MultipleAttachment.aspx
Design Code :->
<%@ page language="VB" autoeventwireup="false"
inherits="AttachmentHandler.multipleAttachment" validaterequest="false"
CodeFile="multipleAttachment.aspx.vb" EnableEventValidation="false" %>
<%@ OutputCache Duration="1" VaryByParam="None" %>
<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN"
<html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml" >
<head runat="server">
<form action="" runat="server" method="POST" id="form1"
<asp:Label ID="Label1" runat="server" Text="Add
Attachment"></asp:Label><br />
<br />
<input type="file" id="Browse" name="Browse" />
User can browse the file using Browse button and the Upload button generates
at run time
[Dim htb As New HtmlControls.HtmlInputButton("Submit")] when page
loads.After clicking on Upload the following Submit() function called.
In this function , for PDA, System.Web.HttpContext.Current.Request.Files
always does not contain anything and hence file_coll.Item(0).FileName
Sub AddNewAttachment(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs)
Dim index As Integer
Dim file_coll As HttpFileCollection
Dim uploadedFile As HttpPostedFile
Dim fname As String
Dim filesize As String
'Changes for WAP Attachment Issue starts -- Jeywin Lizy
Dim curAttachmentsfile As New ArrayList()
Dim curAttachments As New ArrayList()
Dim curAttachmentsSize As New ArrayList()
If (Not Session(curTasksAttachFile) Is Nothing) Then
curAttachmentsfile = Session(curTasksAttachFile)
curAttachments = Session(curTasksAttach)
curAttachmentsSize = Session(curTasksAttachSize)
End If
'Changes for WAP Attachment Issue ends -- Jeywin Lizy
If assignmentAuthenticateandGet() Then
'Dim req As System.Web.HttpRequest
file_coll = System.Web.HttpContext.Current.Request.Files 'Get file
collection from request
If (file_coll.Item(0).FileName = "") Then 'jeywin lizy
'If file_coll.Count = 0 Then 'Check
if file collection contains file(s)
'Throw New local_exception("File Collection was not
writeToMsgwindow("File Collection was not found")
If (file_coll.Item(0).ContentLength = 0) Then
'jeywin lizy
'Throw New local_exception("Cannot attach empty
file- upload file")
writeToMsgwindow("Cannot attach empty file-
upload file")
End If
End If
uploadedFile = file_coll.Item(0)
fname = uploadedFile.FileName
filesize = Request.ContentLength
If Request.ContentLength < 10485760 Then
If fname <> "" Then
'Changes for WAP Attachment Issue starts --
Jeywin Lizy
If (file_coll.Item(0).ContentLength > 0) Then
'jeywin lizy
Session(curTasksAttachFile) =
Session(curTasksAttach) = curAttachments
Session(curTasksAttachSize) =
End If
'Changes for WAP Attachment Issue ends --
Jeywin Lizy
End If
'Changes for WAP Attachment Issue starts -- Jeywin
index = 0
Do While index < curAttachments.Count 'Create table
with attachment details
curAttachments.Item(index), curAttachmentsSize.Item(index))
index = index + 1
'Changes for WAP Attachment Issue ends -- Jeywin Lizy
writeToMsgwindow("Can't attach a file larger than 10
End If
End If
Catch ex As Exception
'Throw ex
writeToMsgwindow(ex.Message()) 'Changes for WAP Attachment
Issue starts -- Jeywin Lizy
End Try
End Sub
It seems that rendering not happening for these file types in PDA for
HTMLInput button type but it is happening only in desktop. Please help us in
case; we need to change the control type.