I define the window :
my $mw = new MainWindow; # Main Window
my $frm_name = $mw -> Frame() -> pack();
my $lab1 = $frm_name -> Label(-text=>"Enter the remote hostname or
IP:") -> pack();
my $ent1 = $frm_name -> Entry() -> pack();
my $lab2 = $frm_name -> Label(-text=>"Enter the number of iterations to
run [5]:") -> pack();
my $ent2 = $frm_name -> Entry() -> pack();
my $but = $mw -> Button(-text=>"Start nettest", -command =>\&start) ->
pack(); #Text Area
$txt = $mw -> Text(-width=>70, -height=>20) -> pack();
Then in subroutine "start" I write tesxt:
$txt -> delete("1.0",'end');
$txt -> insert('end',"Remote Hostname:\t$REMOTE_HOST\n");
$txt -> insert('end',"Remote IP address:\t$REMADDR\n");
$txt -> insert('end',"My IP address:\t\t$MYADDRESS\n\n");
Then later in the same sub I create a file :
print FILE ' ' x (100 * (1024 * 1024));
close FILE;
chmod 0777 => $FILE1;
The problem is that the text widget is not updated till the file
creation is over (couple of minutes).Printing to STDOUT at the same
time completes immediately.
Setting "$|" to "1" did not change much,as I expected to ...
Appreciate any input.
I define the window :
my $mw = new MainWindow; # Main Window
my $frm_name = $mw -> Frame() -> pack();
my $lab1 = $frm_name -> Label(-text=>"Enter the remote hostname or
IP:") -> pack();
my $ent1 = $frm_name -> Entry() -> pack();
my $lab2 = $frm_name -> Label(-text=>"Enter the number of iterations to
run [5]:") -> pack();
my $ent2 = $frm_name -> Entry() -> pack();
my $but = $mw -> Button(-text=>"Start nettest", -command =>\&start) ->
pack(); #Text Area
$txt = $mw -> Text(-width=>70, -height=>20) -> pack();
Then in subroutine "start" I write tesxt:
$txt -> delete("1.0",'end');
$txt -> insert('end',"Remote Hostname:\t$REMOTE_HOST\n");
$txt -> insert('end',"Remote IP address:\t$REMADDR\n");
$txt -> insert('end',"My IP address:\t\t$MYADDRESS\n\n");
Then later in the same sub I create a file :
print FILE ' ' x (100 * (1024 * 1024));
close FILE;
chmod 0777 => $FILE1;
The problem is that the text widget is not updated till the file
creation is over (couple of minutes).Printing to STDOUT at the same
time completes immediately.
Setting "$|" to "1" did not change much,as I expected to ...
Appreciate any input.