Real world performance numbers are more useful, and when Ara Howard tells me
that Ruby performs fast enough for his image crunching, or Rich Kilmer tells
me that Ruby made Cougaar possible and fast, then I believe them. These
people (and others) are pushing Ruby further than anyone else, including
people who use Ruby on Rails. And yet, I also believe DHH when he says that
Rails scalability isn't a big issue, in that it scales the same way that web
applications have scaled for a while, and the same way that Kuro5hin and
Slashdot scaled -- more machines with load balancing and separating the
database server from the application server.
here's some food for thought:
the other day my co-worker was out in dc. one of our clients wanted to gain a
better understanding of one of our products. the product in question is a
'fires' product that we make using nighttime lights of the world, some temp
info, etc. to show where nighttime fires are. the fires are placed into a
geographic grid - an image where each pixel maps to a lat/lon. the images are
quite simple and all meta info is in a .hdr file (this is envi's file format).
in any case placing fires in a grid leaves some empty grid cells since the
grid is of coarser resolution than the data. we fill this grid in using
nearest-neighbor. the client wanted to no which pixels were 'nubs' or centers
- which ones were actual pixels and not a product of filling. it turns out we
track this info, along with 15 bits of other stuff, in a 'flag' image - it's
simply an image of pixels where each pixel is a bitmask marking certain
attributes of each pixel as true or false such as 'cloudy' and the like.
so i needed to make a 'fire center' image - it would be just like a fire image
but contain only 'nubs' or centers. this is an easy thing to do since all i
had to do was copy the fires image and set everything to background that was
NOT a nub and was not no data (missing pixels). here's a sample run:
jib:~/eg/ruby/fires2firecenters/fires2firecenters-0.0.0 > time fires2firecenters F1420050720.0.fires
real 0m9.931s
user 0m2.240s
sys 0m4.580s
o.k. ten seconds. but what does that mean?
jib:~/eg/ruby/fires2firecenters/fires2firecenters-0.0.0 > ls -ltarh
F1420050720.0.fires F1420050720.0.flag F1420050720.0.fires.centers
-rw-rw-r-- 1 ahoward ahoward 102M Aug 12 17:42 F1420050720.0.fires
-rw-rw-r-- 1 ahoward ahoward 204M Aug 12 17:43 F1420050720.0.flag
-rw-rw-r-- 1 ahoward ahoward 102M Aug 12 17:44 F1420050720.0.fires.centers
so you can see both input images (fires, flag) are 100/200 mb respectively and
the output is 100 mb. so that's 300mb of io - at least. i didn't even bother
to profile the code because i was super busy that day and it was fast enough.
the really good part, however, is the code:
#!/usr/bin/env ruby
require 'narray'
require 'fileutils'
# parse command line - setup
fires_grid, flag_grid, fire_centers_grid = ARGV
unless fires_grid
STDERR.puts "#{ File::basename $0 } fires_grid [flag_grid] [fire_centers_grid]"
exit 1
flag_grid ||= fires_grid.gsub( %r/fires$/, 'flag' )
fire_centers_grid ||= fires_grid.gsub( %r/fires$/, 'fires.centers' )
center_mask = 2 ** (center_bit = 4)
no_data_mask = 2 ** (no_data_bit = 15)
# load files
fires = NArray::to_na( IO::read( fires_grid ), NArray::BYTE )
flags = NArray::to_na( IO::read( flag_grid ), NArray::SINT )
# zero out anything that's neither center nor no_data
fire_centers = fires
is_data = ( flags & no_data_mask ).not
is_not_center = ( flags & center_mask ).not
fire_centers[ is_not_center.and( is_data ) ] = 0
# write centers output
open(fire_centers_grid, 'wb'){|f| f.write fire_centers.to_s}
# copy .fires hdr to .fires.centers.hdr
FileUtils::cp "#{ fires_grid }.hdr", "#{ fire_centers_grid }.hdr"
it's a hack, it uses extensions, and it took me 5 minutes to write and ran
perfectly the first time. i love it.
| email :: ara [dot] t [dot] howard [at] noaa [dot] gov
| phone :: 303.497.6469
| Your life dwells amoung the causes of death
| Like a lamp standing in a strong breeze. --Nagarjuna