I would like to use a perl format statement to autogenerate qsub files
for a PBS scheduler. The files I need to generate are essentially
shell scripts with comments beginning with a hash mark to denote them
as pragma for the scheduler.
If I create a format statement that looks like
format QSUBFILE =
#PBS -N @<<<<<<<<<
the line beginning with a hash mark is read as a comment by PERL,
instead of a line that needs to be printed that starts with a hash
How can I using a PERL format statement generate a number of files all
of which has as their first few lines variations of
#PBS -N dustfit
#PBS -q default
#PBS -l nodes=1pn=8
#PBS -l cput=6000:00:00
for a PBS scheduler. The files I need to generate are essentially
shell scripts with comments beginning with a hash mark to denote them
as pragma for the scheduler.
If I create a format statement that looks like
format QSUBFILE =
#PBS -N @<<<<<<<<<
the line beginning with a hash mark is read as a comment by PERL,
instead of a line that needs to be printed that starts with a hash
How can I using a PERL format statement generate a number of files all
of which has as their first few lines variations of
#PBS -N dustfit
#PBS -q default
#PBS -l nodes=1pn=8
#PBS -l cput=6000:00:00