David Combs
----------------------- The buying options:
By [28]Damian Conway, [29]chromatic, [30]Curtis "Ovid" Poe
Rough Cuts Release: February 2006
Print Book Release: May 2006
Series: [31]Hacks
ISBN: 0-596-52714-4
Retail Price: $29.99 US
Rough Cuts Pricing:
Print Book and Online Access Bundle: $32.99 US
Online Access Only: $14.99 US
Print Book Only: [DEL: $29.99 EL] $19.99 US
* Average Customer Review: [stars-5-0.gif] based on 4 reviews.
[16]Shane Warden, [17]Damian Conway, [18]Curtis "Ovid" Poe
O'Reilly Media, Paperback, Published May 2006, 304 pages, ISBN
List Price: $29.99
Our Price: $18.95
You Save: $11.04 (37% Off)
I haven't yet ever used an O'Reilly "Rough Cuts"
book + web-access-4-updates, so have no idea
what benefit "rough cuts" brings me.
Any opinions on what to do?
(Yes, *if* there's lots of action, updates, etc,
on the book's web-site (or whatever they use),
I'd indeed find it very valuable.)
By [28]Damian Conway, [29]chromatic, [30]Curtis "Ovid" Poe
Rough Cuts Release: February 2006
Print Book Release: May 2006
Series: [31]Hacks
ISBN: 0-596-52714-4
Retail Price: $29.99 US
Rough Cuts Pricing:
Print Book and Online Access Bundle: $32.99 US
Online Access Only: $14.99 US
Print Book Only: [DEL: $29.99 EL] $19.99 US
* Average Customer Review: [stars-5-0.gif] based on 4 reviews.
[16]Shane Warden, [17]Damian Conway, [18]Curtis "Ovid" Poe
O'Reilly Media, Paperback, Published May 2006, 304 pages, ISBN
List Price: $29.99
Our Price: $18.95
You Save: $11.04 (37% Off)
I haven't yet ever used an O'Reilly "Rough Cuts"
book + web-access-4-updates, so have no idea
what benefit "rough cuts" brings me.
Any opinions on what to do?
(Yes, *if* there's lots of action, updates, etc,
on the book's web-site (or whatever they use),
I'd indeed find it very valuable.)