I cannot find any examples of how to issue a multi-tabe query using
perl ODBC methods.
I am currently writing a perl script to issue queries generically, but
I have no reference examples for queries against multiple tables.
Specifically, I am used to using the form shown below, where a spcific
sql connection is in scope for the query. My quer spans connections,
so I am not sure how to approach this problem.
#Next we can issue the SQL statement and trap on warnings if it fails
if ($db{1}{connection}->Sql($passed_sql_statement)) {
my ($err) = $db{1}{connection}->Error;
warn "SQL() Error\n";
warn "\t\$passed_sql_statement: $passed_sql_statement\n";
warn "\t\$err: $err\n";
warn "\nThe problem SQL statment was: \n$passed_sql_statement\n";
warn "\n\n";
} else {
print STDERR "The statement \"$passed_sql_statement\" \nran
I have been digging in the bit mines for 5 hours looking for examples
for this sort of query, but nothing out there shows the use of ODBC
Thanks to anyone who can help.
I cannot find any examples of how to issue a multi-tabe query using
perl ODBC methods.
I am currently writing a perl script to issue queries generically, but
I have no reference examples for queries against multiple tables.
Specifically, I am used to using the form shown below, where a spcific
sql connection is in scope for the query. My quer spans connections,
so I am not sure how to approach this problem.
#Next we can issue the SQL statement and trap on warnings if it fails
if ($db{1}{connection}->Sql($passed_sql_statement)) {
my ($err) = $db{1}{connection}->Error;
warn "SQL() Error\n";
warn "\t\$passed_sql_statement: $passed_sql_statement\n";
warn "\t\$err: $err\n";
warn "\nThe problem SQL statment was: \n$passed_sql_statement\n";
warn "\n\n";
} else {
print STDERR "The statement \"$passed_sql_statement\" \nran
I have been digging in the bit mines for 5 hours looking for examples
for this sort of query, but nothing out there shows the use of ODBC
Thanks to anyone who can help.