I'm on a new hosted server platform which doesn't support PERL, so I'm
converting some of my old code so it'll run as ASP. I have a routine I
wrote in 1998 where I have a standard template Word file that I do some
replacing in and then fax it out to the end user. I'm trying to read the
entire file in as a string variable, but since the file isn't text it's not
getting the whole thing and I can't find a simple easy way to do it yet, so
I'm asking for help.
Below is the original PERL code that reads the contents of the entire file
to a variable called temp:
#get file from disk
$file = "contract.doc";
$temp = "";
binmode( MY_FILE );
while ( <MY_FILE> ) {
$temp .= $_;
last if $_ eq "\n";
close (MY_FILE);
The text ASP equivalent is:
Dim fso, f
Set fso = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
Set f = fspenTextFile(Server.MapPath("contract.doc"))
temp = f.ReadAll
Set f = Nothing
Set fso = Nothing
What I'm trying to do though requires that I be able to read in the binary
file. I've written code to do that before, but don't have it anymore as I
didn't think I'd ever need it again. Anyone that's got some elegant code to
pass my way, would be greatly appreciated.
converting some of my old code so it'll run as ASP. I have a routine I
wrote in 1998 where I have a standard template Word file that I do some
replacing in and then fax it out to the end user. I'm trying to read the
entire file in as a string variable, but since the file isn't text it's not
getting the whole thing and I can't find a simple easy way to do it yet, so
I'm asking for help.
Below is the original PERL code that reads the contents of the entire file
to a variable called temp:
#get file from disk
$file = "contract.doc";
$temp = "";
binmode( MY_FILE );
while ( <MY_FILE> ) {
$temp .= $_;
last if $_ eq "\n";
close (MY_FILE);
The text ASP equivalent is:
Dim fso, f
Set fso = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
Set f = fspenTextFile(Server.MapPath("contract.doc"))
temp = f.ReadAll
Set f = Nothing
Set fso = Nothing
What I'm trying to do though requires that I be able to read in the binary
file. I've written code to do that before, but don't have it anymore as I
didn't think I'd ever need it again. Anyone that's got some elegant code to
pass my way, would be greatly appreciated.