Hello ,
What is the python way of doing this :
perl -pi -e 's/string1/string2/' file
To expand on what others have said, python emphasizes readability over
compactness and obscure shortcuts. The perl "-pi" idiom wraps everything
around a nice ammount of code, and the "-e" idiom wraps some more code.
a script that sort of has some of the same functionality would go
something like this:
#############start bad code##################
import getopt,sys,os,re
#get your command line options
#files will be in
optlist, args = getopt.getopt(sys.argv[1:],'e:')
#do the -p loop.
for filename in args:
#do the -i "in place" edit.
oldfilename = filename+'.bak'
newfile = open(filename,'w')
#continue the -p loop
for line in open(oldfilename).readlines():
#execute all of the -e statements.
for command in optlist:
#warning bad mojo here
foo=(command[1] % line.rstrip("\n"))
exec(("line=%s" % foo))
#print line
#save to the new file
print line
newfile.write(line + "\n")
############end bad code##################
The above code runs, but is not very good because I'm not that familiar
with exec statements. Anyway I've tried to capture what "perl -pi -e"
actually does which is to execute an arbitrary command over every line of an
arbitrary list of files, editing them in place, with a temporary backup
Then you would call it with something like:
python badscript.py -e 're.sub("foo","bar","%s")' badtest.txt
However this is a place where an implicit loop works great.
You can just do:
perl -pi -e 's/foo/bar/' filelist
Or if you hate the perl/sed syntax, there is:
gawk '{gsub("foo", "bar", $0); print > FILENAME}' filelist
Both of these work because perl and awk have mechanisms to implicitly
loop over all the lines in a file. The python way tends to avoid
implicit loops except for a few cases.