Permutations Problem


Honest John

I am trying to filter every combination of ten letters through a spell
checker, and so find valid english words. I have a problem in that ten
factorial, is over three point-six million words to filter, and
results in the computer crashing. (The computer is an old 2.66GHz P4
and just not up to the task).

Any suggestions how I can save computer resources?

use Algorithm::Combinatorics qw(permutations);
use Text::Aspell;

my $speller = Text::Aspell->new; die unless $speller;
# Set some options
$speller->set_option('sug-mode','fast'); # check a word

my @data = qw(s f e e r t v c o h);

my @words = grep $speller->check ( join '', @$_ ),

print "\nSolution\n";
print map "@$_\n", @words;


: I am trying to filter every combination of ten letters through a spell
: checker, and so find valid english words. I have a problem in that ten
: factorial, is over three point-six million words to filter, and
: results in the computer crashing. (The computer is an old 2.66GHz P4
: and just not up to the task).

: Any suggestions how I can save computer resources?

Yes, but a decidedly non-Perlish one: Since most spell-checkers are not
rule-based but consult actual dictionaries (try ispell(1) for instance),
why don't you simply do a pattern match on the english dictionary of
ispell(1) with the search expression /[a-z]{10}/ ?

If you put this in a while loop reading your dictionary line by line
then it will not make your machine crash.

Just my two cents.


Bob Walton

Honest said:
I am trying to filter every combination of ten letters through a spell
checker, and so find valid english words. I have a problem in that ten
factorial, is over three point-six million words to filter, and
results in the computer crashing. (The computer is an old 2.66GHz P4
and just not up to the task).

Any suggestions how I can save computer resources?


John, if I understand what you want to do correctly, you could
approach the problem from an entirely different direction: Take
a list of valid English words and generate a hash with keys being
the sorted letters of the word, and the value being a reference
to an array containing the word numbers of all the words which
sorted to that key. Then for the word you want to look up (or
unscramble), sort the letters and look up in the hash. Here is
an example program:

use strict;
use warnings;
print "loading...\n";
my $file='words.txt';
open IN,$file or die "Oops, couldn't open $file, $!";
my $i=0;
my @orig;
my %sorted;
push @orig,$_;
push @{$sorted{join '',sort split '',lc $_}},$i++;
close IN;
print "Enter a scramble: ";
my $scr=<>;
chomp $scr;
last unless $scr;
my $sor=join '',sort split '',lc $scr;
my @list=@{$sorted{$sor}};
print "$scr -> $orig[$_]\n";

This will build the hash from a list of 234992 words in about 11
seconds on my crappy old 1 GHz computer with 100 MHz FSB, and
will then provide "instant" lookup of scrambled words.

Sample output:

Enter a scramble: senator
senator -> noreast
senator -> rosetan
senator -> seatron
senator -> senator
senator -> treason
Enter a scramble:


Your sample scramble "sfeertvcoh" isn't in my dictionary under
any permutation.

Jürgen Exner

Honest said:
I am trying to filter every combination of ten letters through a spell
checker, and so find valid english words. I have a problem in that ten
factorial, is over three point-six million words to filter, and
results in the computer crashing. (The computer is an old 2.66GHz P4
and just not up to the task).

Any suggestions how I can save computer resources? [...]
my @words = grep $speller->check ( join '', @$_ ),

Quite simple, actually. Your algorithm first generates the whole set of
permutations, then filters the desired results.
Instead just check each candidate as you create it. This way you avoid
having to store the whole 10 factorial elements.


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