Andrew Seidel
I'm trying to make a customized pager utility that can process
file-contents piped in from the command line, equally well as a list of
provided file names.
e.g. cat testfile | my_util.rb or my_util.rb testfile
I'm having trouble using the pipe to get the file contents and still be
able to use STDIN in a non-blocking way for a shell-style interactive
For the menu, I'm using Highline::SystemExtensions: e.g.:
while (mychar = get_character) && (mychar.chr != "q")
if (mychar.chr == "x") then
... and that works only for the case where there is no input pipe,
instead filename(s) I get from ARGV.
Here's what I've tried to get the pipe read before begining the menu,
but thid hammers the rest of my script and my highline menu doesn't
def fill_pipe
# capture piped input
flags = STDIN.fcntl(Fcntl::F_GETFL, 0)
flags |= Fcntl::O_NONBLOCK
STDIN.fcntl(Fcntl::F_SETFL, flags)
input_pipe = STDIN.readlines
# puts "Input pipe: #{$input_pipe}"
rescue Errno::EAGAIN
puts "ERROR: no input piped nor file name provided"
end # end what kind of input
end # end fill_pipe
STDIN.close_read doesn't do the trick to reset things -- ideas how I
can have it both ways? Thanks! Andrew.
I'm trying to make a customized pager utility that can process
file-contents piped in from the command line, equally well as a list of
provided file names.
e.g. cat testfile | my_util.rb or my_util.rb testfile
I'm having trouble using the pipe to get the file contents and still be
able to use STDIN in a non-blocking way for a shell-style interactive
For the menu, I'm using Highline::SystemExtensions: e.g.:
while (mychar = get_character) && (mychar.chr != "q")
if (mychar.chr == "x") then
... and that works only for the case where there is no input pipe,
instead filename(s) I get from ARGV.
Here's what I've tried to get the pipe read before begining the menu,
but thid hammers the rest of my script and my highline menu doesn't
def fill_pipe
# capture piped input
flags = STDIN.fcntl(Fcntl::F_GETFL, 0)
flags |= Fcntl::O_NONBLOCK
STDIN.fcntl(Fcntl::F_SETFL, flags)
input_pipe = STDIN.readlines
# puts "Input pipe: #{$input_pipe}"
rescue Errno::EAGAIN
puts "ERROR: no input piped nor file name provided"
end # end what kind of input
end # end fill_pipe
STDIN.close_read doesn't do the trick to reset things -- ideas how I
can have it both ways? Thanks! Andrew.