Gufo said:
i find a solution to play mp3 and avi(big file)
witwhout windows media player.
the browser is firefox only.
the os is windows or linux.
you find a (bad) solution.
<script type="text/javascript"><!--
Could really stop right there.
if(navigator.appName != "Microsoft Internet Explorer")
Hmm, doesn't look like a dog... it must be a cat!
document.write('<obj'+'ect id="medObj" pluginspace="'+pluginspace+'"
codebase="'+codebase+'" data="'+files[srchStr-1]+'" standby="Loading
Video..." style="float: left;" type="'+objType+'" width="'+dimW+'"
There's a new spin on an old spell (strange and unnecessary concatenation).
if(navigator.appName == "Microsoft Internet Explorer")
....then they're a kind of serpent, that's all I can say.
document.write('<embed pluginspace="'+pluginspace+'"
src="'+files[srchStr-1]+'" style="float: left;" type="'+objType+'"
width="'+dimW+'" height="'+dimH+'"></embed>');
It looks like they've got this somewhat backwards as well. What would
this fork accomplish in IE?
I wonder how many times this has been copied and pasted. Well, at least
it will fail immediately, so as long as the developers test their
"creation" at least once...