Daniel T.
The function below does exactly what I want it to (there is a main to
test it as well.) However, I'm curious about ideas of making it better.
Anyone interested in critiquing it?
void formatText( const string& in, int charsPerLine, int lines,
vector< string >& out )
out.resize( 1 );
out[0] = "";
int prev = 0;
int pos = charsPerLine;
int lineCount = 0;
while ( pos < in.size() ) {
pos = in.find_last_of( " -", pos );
if ( pos < prev ) {
pos = prev + charsPerLine - 1;
out.back() += in.substr( prev, pos - prev );
out.back() += '-';
prev = pos;
else if ( in[pos] == '-' ) {
out.back() += in.substr( prev, pos - prev );
prev = pos;
else {
out.back() += in.substr( prev, pos - prev );
prev = pos + 1;
out.back() += (char)0x0A;
pos += charsPerLine;
if ( lines <= lineCount ) {
out.back().erase( out.back().size() - 1 );
out.push_back( "" );
lineCount = 0;
out.back() += in.substr( prev );
int main()
string in = "hello";
vector< string > out;
formatText( in, 24, 4, out );
assert( out.size() == 1 );
assert( out[0] == "hello" );
in = "Put up with it and you will get more of it.";
formatText( in, 24, 4, out );
assert( out.size() == 1 );
assert( out[0] == "Put up with it and you\nwill get more of it." );
in = "The mind of a bigot is like the pupil of the eye. The more
light you shine on it, the more it will contract.";
formatText( in, 24, 4, out );
assert( out.size() == 2 );
assert( out[0] == "The mind of a bigot is\nlike the pupil of
the\neye. The more light you\nshine on it, the more" );
assert( out[1] == "it will contract." );
in = "Floccinaucinihilipili-fication";
formatText( in, 24, 4, out );
assert( out.size() == 1 );
assert( out[0] == "Floccinaucinihilipili-\nfication" );
in = "Floccinaucinihilipilification";
formatText( in, 24, 4, out );
assert( out.size() == 1 );
assert( out[0] == "Floccinaucinihilipilifi-\ncation" );
test it as well.) However, I'm curious about ideas of making it better.
Anyone interested in critiquing it?
void formatText( const string& in, int charsPerLine, int lines,
vector< string >& out )
out.resize( 1 );
out[0] = "";
int prev = 0;
int pos = charsPerLine;
int lineCount = 0;
while ( pos < in.size() ) {
pos = in.find_last_of( " -", pos );
if ( pos < prev ) {
pos = prev + charsPerLine - 1;
out.back() += in.substr( prev, pos - prev );
out.back() += '-';
prev = pos;
else if ( in[pos] == '-' ) {
out.back() += in.substr( prev, pos - prev );
prev = pos;
else {
out.back() += in.substr( prev, pos - prev );
prev = pos + 1;
out.back() += (char)0x0A;
pos += charsPerLine;
if ( lines <= lineCount ) {
out.back().erase( out.back().size() - 1 );
out.push_back( "" );
lineCount = 0;
out.back() += in.substr( prev );
int main()
string in = "hello";
vector< string > out;
formatText( in, 24, 4, out );
assert( out.size() == 1 );
assert( out[0] == "hello" );
in = "Put up with it and you will get more of it.";
formatText( in, 24, 4, out );
assert( out.size() == 1 );
assert( out[0] == "Put up with it and you\nwill get more of it." );
in = "The mind of a bigot is like the pupil of the eye. The more
light you shine on it, the more it will contract.";
formatText( in, 24, 4, out );
assert( out.size() == 2 );
assert( out[0] == "The mind of a bigot is\nlike the pupil of
the\neye. The more light you\nshine on it, the more" );
assert( out[1] == "it will contract." );
in = "Floccinaucinihilipili-fication";
formatText( in, 24, 4, out );
assert( out.size() == 1 );
assert( out[0] == "Floccinaucinihilipili-\nfication" );
in = "Floccinaucinihilipilification";
formatText( in, 24, 4, out );
assert( out.size() == 1 );
assert( out[0] == "Floccinaucinihilipilifi-\ncation" );