James K.
The explanation of what I'm trying to do are noted in the comments...
I'm freakin' lost... the really big issue is determining how to test
mines that have been blown up against remaining
mines... you'll find that comment smack dab in the middle...
today is the first day I've ever used Ruby, I appreciate the help:
## Load data from file into Python
mines_data = file.open('example_mines.txt', 'r')
## function to determine if a mine blows up another mine
def within_blast_radius(x1, y1, blast_radius, x2, y2)
((x1 - x2) ** 2 + (y1 - y2) ** 2) <= (blast_radius ** 2)
## define variables to keep track of outputs
qty_mines_blown = 0
max_mines_blown = 0
## define a multidimensional array with x number of rows and 3 columns
master_array = array.new(r) {Array.new(3)}
cnt = 0
starting_mine = master_array [cnt]
# For Each Mine do this:
master_array.each = {|r|
# within_blast_radius(x1, y1, bomb_radius, x2, y2) ## Tests to see
if bomb x1, y1 blows up bomb x2, y2
if within_blast_radius(master_array[cnt][1], master_array[cnt][2],
master_array[cnt][3], master_array[r][1], master_array[r][2]) = True
qty_mines_blown += 1
## code to test mines that have been blown up against remaining
if qty_mines_blown > max_mines_blown
max_mines_blown = qty_mines_blown
answers_array[0] = starting_mine
elseif qty_mines_blown = max_mines_blown
answers_array.next_line = starting_mine
cnt += 1
print "The maximum number of mines that can be blown up from triggering
just one mine is: "
print max_mines_blown
print "The location and blast radius of mine(s) that can trigger the
blast is :"
print elements in answers_array
I'm freakin' lost... the really big issue is determining how to test
mines that have been blown up against remaining
mines... you'll find that comment smack dab in the middle...
today is the first day I've ever used Ruby, I appreciate the help:
## Load data from file into Python
mines_data = file.open('example_mines.txt', 'r')
## function to determine if a mine blows up another mine
def within_blast_radius(x1, y1, blast_radius, x2, y2)
((x1 - x2) ** 2 + (y1 - y2) ** 2) <= (blast_radius ** 2)
## define variables to keep track of outputs
qty_mines_blown = 0
max_mines_blown = 0
## define a multidimensional array with x number of rows and 3 columns
master_array = array.new(r) {Array.new(3)}
cnt = 0
starting_mine = master_array [cnt]
# For Each Mine do this:
master_array.each = {|r|
# within_blast_radius(x1, y1, bomb_radius, x2, y2) ## Tests to see
if bomb x1, y1 blows up bomb x2, y2
if within_blast_radius(master_array[cnt][1], master_array[cnt][2],
master_array[cnt][3], master_array[r][1], master_array[r][2]) = True
qty_mines_blown += 1
## code to test mines that have been blown up against remaining
if qty_mines_blown > max_mines_blown
max_mines_blown = qty_mines_blown
answers_array[0] = starting_mine
elseif qty_mines_blown = max_mines_blown
answers_array.next_line = starting_mine
cnt += 1
print "The maximum number of mines that can be blown up from triggering
just one mine is: "
print max_mines_blown
print "The location and blast radius of mine(s) that can trigger the
blast is :"
print elements in answers_array