I need to catch an error printed by a module that I use. the problem
with this module is apart from using a log it also prints certain
errors directly to STDERR.
I want to catch these errors being printed to STDERR and log it into my
own logfile.
Since this module is an API I cannot change it's log config.
How to use eval and $SIG{__WARN__} to workaround this problem ? Or are
there any other solutions ?
Kindly guide me on this,
with this module is apart from using a log it also prints certain
errors directly to STDERR.
I want to catch these errors being printed to STDERR and log it into my
own logfile.
Since this module is an API I cannot change it's log config.
How to use eval and $SIG{__WARN__} to workaround this problem ? Or are
there any other solutions ?
Kindly guide me on this,