Hello. Needed some help again. Im trying to calculate the best fit
line here. Given a set of points in a list. However, wirte in the end
where i plot the line it tells me tht the variable is not defined.
Either try correcting this or tell me a subsitute that i could use.
Thnks. Heres the code:
#File name Bestfit.py
import Gnuplot
def bestfit(uinput):
if not isinstance(uinput, list):
return False
sigmax = sigmay = sigmaxy = sigmaxwhl = sigmaxsq = 0
for i in range(len(uinput)):
n = len(uinput)
sigmax = uinput[0] + sigmax
sigmay = uinput[1] + sigmay
sigmaxy = uinput[0] * uinput [1] + sigmaxy
sigmaxwhl = sigmax * sigmax
sigmaxsq = uinput[0] * uinput[0] + sigmaxsq
sigmaxsigmay = sigmax * sigmay
num = sigmaxsigmay - (n * sigmaxy)
den = sigmaxwhl - (n* sigmaxsq)
num2 = (sigmax * sigmaxy) - (sigmay * sigmaxsq)
gradient = num / den
intercept = num2 / den
m = gradient
c = intercept
y = m*x + c
plot (y)
line here. Given a set of points in a list. However, wirte in the end
where i plot the line it tells me tht the variable is not defined.
Either try correcting this or tell me a subsitute that i could use.
Thnks. Heres the code:
#File name Bestfit.py
import Gnuplot
def bestfit(uinput):
if not isinstance(uinput, list):
return False
sigmax = sigmay = sigmaxy = sigmaxwhl = sigmaxsq = 0
for i in range(len(uinput)):
n = len(uinput)
sigmax = uinput[0] + sigmax
sigmay = uinput[1] + sigmay
sigmaxy = uinput[0] * uinput [1] + sigmaxy
sigmaxwhl = sigmax * sigmax
sigmaxsq = uinput[0] * uinput[0] + sigmaxsq
sigmaxsigmay = sigmax * sigmay
num = sigmaxsigmay - (n * sigmaxy)
den = sigmaxwhl - (n* sigmaxsq)
num2 = (sigmax * sigmaxy) - (sigmay * sigmaxsq)
gradient = num / den
intercept = num2 / den
m = gradient
c = intercept
y = m*x + c
plot (y)