Kazimir Majorinc
I am Lisp programmer and I write an article on
issues as macros, fexprs and eval. I want to
compare opinion of Ruby and Lisp programmers on eval.
Some readers might think that such post constitute
spam on Ruby newsgroup, but I believe that resulting
information will not be completely devoid of value
- even for Ruby community.
If you want to contribute few seconds, the poll is
on my blog, on the top of the right column.
issues as macros, fexprs and eval. I want to
compare opinion of Ruby and Lisp programmers on eval.
Some readers might think that such post constitute
spam on Ruby newsgroup, but I believe that resulting
information will not be completely devoid of value
- even for Ruby community.
If you want to contribute few seconds, the poll is
on my blog, on the top of the right column.