Hi all,
I am trying to port some VHDL code that generates a sin LUT (0 to pi/
2) at compile time that is configurable based on desired LUT depth and
resolution to Verilog. This is pretty straightforward in VHDL since
the synthesis tools support using real values to calculate the sin as
shown below, but I have been unable to find a way to do this in
Verilog without hardcoding in the entire LUT. I am using Synplify Pro
for synthesis, and as far as I can tell it doesnt support the sin
function or even Verilog reals at all. If anyone has any ideas on how
to do this, I'd really appreciate it.
constant c_pi_2 : real := 1.5707963;
constant c_lut_size : integer := 2048;
constant c_sin_width : integer := 16;
type sin_lut_type is array(natural range <>) of
unsigned(c_sin_width-1 downto 0);
function gen_sin_lut_func(table_size : positive; sin_width:
positive) return sin_lut_type is
variable ret_sin_lut_v : sin_lut_type(0 to table_size-1);
ret_sin_lut_v := (others => (others => '0'));
for i in ret_sin_lut_v'range loop
ret_sin_lut_v(i) := to_unsigned(integer(round(
sin(real(i)/real(table_size) * c_pi_2) *
real((2**(sin_width) - 1)))), sin_width);
end loop;
return ret_sin_lut_v;
end function gen_sin_lut_func;
constant c_sin_lut : sin_lut_type(0 to c_lut_size-1) :=
I am trying to port some VHDL code that generates a sin LUT (0 to pi/
2) at compile time that is configurable based on desired LUT depth and
resolution to Verilog. This is pretty straightforward in VHDL since
the synthesis tools support using real values to calculate the sin as
shown below, but I have been unable to find a way to do this in
Verilog without hardcoding in the entire LUT. I am using Synplify Pro
for synthesis, and as far as I can tell it doesnt support the sin
function or even Verilog reals at all. If anyone has any ideas on how
to do this, I'd really appreciate it.
constant c_pi_2 : real := 1.5707963;
constant c_lut_size : integer := 2048;
constant c_sin_width : integer := 16;
type sin_lut_type is array(natural range <>) of
unsigned(c_sin_width-1 downto 0);
function gen_sin_lut_func(table_size : positive; sin_width:
positive) return sin_lut_type is
variable ret_sin_lut_v : sin_lut_type(0 to table_size-1);
ret_sin_lut_v := (others => (others => '0'));
for i in ret_sin_lut_v'range loop
ret_sin_lut_v(i) := to_unsigned(integer(round(
sin(real(i)/real(table_size) * c_pi_2) *
real((2**(sin_width) - 1)))), sin_width);
end loop;
return ret_sin_lut_v;
end function gen_sin_lut_func;
constant c_sin_lut : sin_lut_type(0 to c_lut_size-1) :=