Portable log1p()


Francois Grieu

Many C platforms lack the C99 log1p(), which computes
log(1+x) accurately even when x is near 0.

I'm looking for a portable alternative.

Somewhere I found code which can be re-expressed as:

double rep_log1p(double x)
return ((1+x)-1) ? log(1+x)*(x/((1+x)-1)) : x;

but I do not understand the math, and I am worried of
a "dead spot" somewhere.

I have derived

double my_log1p(double x)
return log(1+x)-(((1+x)-1)-x)/(1+x);

[the idea here is that if we define
y = 1+x after rounding
e = 1+x-y in the mathematical sense
the derivative of the function log(1+y) is 1/(1+y)
thus log(1+y+e) is close to log(1+y) + e/(1+y) ]

Both functions seem to work, though(my_log1p) seems
somewhat more accurae, and faster.

Any comment on the accuracy or portability ?

In particular, is it guaranteed that a conformant
implementation will NOT optimize things, defeating
the attempt to get accurate results ?

If no, is there a way to insure this ?

François Grieu

P.J. Plauger

Many C platforms lack the C99 log1p(), which computes
log(1+x) accurately even when x is near 0.

I'm looking for a portable alternative.

Somewhere I found code which can be re-expressed as:

double rep_log1p(double x)
return ((1+x)-1) ? log(1+x)*(x/((1+x)-1)) : x;

but I do not understand the math, and I am worried of
a "dead spot" somewhere.

I ran our log1p tests against this and got:

[2046] log1p(+inf): got = -nan, want = +inf -- UNEXPECTED
log1p: Summary for 1-argument, 53-bit double function:

log1p: Testing 2040 finite function values, result was
log1p: smaller 426 times
log1p: equal 1161 times
log1p: larger 453 times.

log1p: Testing 7 special function values gave 1 mismatches.

log1p: RMS relative bit error was 0.89.
log1p: Max relative bit error was 11.86 for [1001] log1p(+0.000110055)
log1p: Max relative ulp error was 3359 ulp for [1001] log1p(+0.000110055)

64+ 32+ 16+ 8+ 4+ 2+ 1 0 1 2+ 4+ 8+ 16+ 32+ 64+
5 0 10 21 46 139 234 1161 245 106 37 16 9 6 5
I have derived

double my_log1p(double x)
return log(1+x)-(((1+x)-1)-x)/(1+x);

[the idea here is that if we define
y = 1+x after rounding
e = 1+x-y in the mathematical sense
the derivative of the function log(1+y) is 1/(1+y)
thus log(1+y+e) is close to log(1+y) + e/(1+y) ]

Both functions seem to work, though(my_log1p) seems
somewhat more accurae, and faster.

For this version, our tests gave:

[2043] log1p(-1): got = -nan, want = -inf -- UNEXPECTED
[2046] log1p(+inf): got = -nan, want = +inf -- UNEXPECTED
log1p: Summary for 1-argument, 53-bit double function:

log1p: Testing 2040 finite function values, result was
log1p: smaller 1 times
log1p: equal 2033 times
log1p: larger 6 times.

log1p: Testing 7 special function values gave 2 mismatches.

log1p: RMS relative bit error was -9.00.
log1p: Max relative bit error was 1.00 for [2001] log1p(-2.22045e-16)
log1p: Max relative ulp error was 2 ulp for [2001] log1p(-2.22045e-16)

64+ 32+ 16+ 8+ 4+ 2+ 1 0 1 2+ 4+ 8+ 16+ 32+ 64+
0 0 0 0 0 0 2 2033 4 1 0 0 0 0 0
Any comment on the accuracy or portability ?

Our 53-bit version of log1p gave:

log1p: Summary for 1-argument, 53-bit double function:

log1p: Testing 2040 finite function values, result was
log1p: smaller 15 times
log1p: equal 1998 times
log1p: larger 27 times.

log1p: Testing 7 special function values gave 0 mismatches.

log1p: RMS relative bit error was -7.86.
log1p: Max relative bit error was 1.00 for [2001] log1p(-2.22045e-16)
log1p: Max relative ulp error was 2 ulp for [2001] log1p(-2.22045e-16)

64+ 32+ 16+ 8+ 4+ 2+ 1 0 1 2+ 4+ 8+ 16+ 32+ 64+
0 0 0 0 0 0 16 1998 25 1 0 0 0 0 0

So your function is actually slightly more accurate than ours,
not quite as robust, and probably not quite as fast. (We use
a polynomial approximation over the difficult region.)

BTW, for all tests I used mingw with our log, which is pretty good.
In brief:

log: RMS relative bit error was -9.79.
log: Max relative bit error was 0.90 for [1706] log(+1.70613)
log: Max relative ulp error was 1 ulp for [1048] log(+1.0471)

64+ 32+ 16+ 8+ 4+ 2+ 1 0 1 2+ 4+ 8+ 16+ 32+ 64+
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2048 2 0 0 0 0 0 0


P.J. Plauger
Dinkumware, Ltd.

Francois Grieu

"P.J. Plauger said:
ran our log1p tests

Testing agaisnt professional, name brand validation
suite; now THAT'S the power of usenet! Much appreciated!
double my_log1p(double x)
return log(1+x)-(((1+x)-1)-x)/(1+x);

[2043] log1p(-1): got = -nan, want = -inf -- UNEXPECTED
[2046] log1p(+inf): got = -nan, want = +inf -- UNEXPECTED

Indeed, this should not be.

So your function is actually slightly more accurate than ours,
not quite as robust, and probably not quite as fast. (We use
a polynomial approximation over the difficult region.)

Speed is very dependent on if log() is in hardware or not.
When it is, my_log1p() is hard to beat in the 0.002 to 0.5
and and -0.25 to -0.002 ranges, I guess.
When log() is in SW, polynomial approximation seems the way
to go.

Meanwhile, a private email pointed out that the above math
is close to the one used by GSL (GNU Scientific Library),

#include <GNU_GPL_v2.h>
double gsl_log1p (const double x)
volatile double y;
y = 1 + x;
return log(y)-((y-1)-x)/y ; /* cancels errors with IEEE arithmetic */

which however has an interesting extra twist: the use of
"volatile" prevents - I believe/hope somewhat reliably -
the compiler from "simplifying" ((1+x)-1)-x, or performing
similar damage.

I'm still trying to find what the C standards says about how
an implementation is allowed to reshuffle expressions like

In also worried of implementations where computations
are carried on e.g 80 bits and rounded to 64 bits when stored.

François Grieu

Kevin D. Quitt

I'm still trying to find what the C standards says about how
an implementation is allowed to reshuffle expressions like

If nothing else, the "as-if" rule applies: it can do anything it wants as
long as the results are identical - as if it made no change.

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