Giles Bowkett
I've got a class which loads files and turns them into ActiveRecord DB
rows. I'm converting images on a filesystem into blobs in a database.
class ImageFile < ActiveRecord::Base
class << self
def import_from_hash(hash)
%w{medium square thumb lsquare lthumb tiny}.each do |suffix|
filename = "public/item/photos/" + hash[0..2] + "/" + hash +
if File.exists?(filename)
File.open(filename, "r") do |file|
image_file = ImageFile.new
eval ("image_file.#{suffix} = file.read")
As you can see the whole thing depends massively on eval(). Yet I
think it's safe. First, it's only supposed to be run from irb. Second,
the eval's guarded by an array which essentially acts as a filter. It
only ever evals code generated by this code and literals from the
array. (No user input.)
The suffixes match existing suffixes on the filesystem. They
correspond to different sizes of the same image. I'm essentially
refactoring an architecture here. That's why the redundant data in the
DB. Each image now being represented on the filesystem with
"xyz_square.jpg" will soon become the square attribute of an ImageFile
object. This isn't the cleanest design, but it beats the filesystem
version for my purposes (load-balance-ability and hardware stability).
Anyway, I think in addition to being safe, this code also shows
something which would end up **significantly** less concise without
eval(). It's kind of deliberately Lispy and functional-programmy. I
would never have written anything like this before reading
"Higher-Order Perl." I think it's a good example of eval() being
useful and safe. But, you know, please knock me down (if you see me
getting high and mighty).
rows. I'm converting images on a filesystem into blobs in a database.
class ImageFile < ActiveRecord::Base
class << self
def import_from_hash(hash)
%w{medium square thumb lsquare lthumb tiny}.each do |suffix|
filename = "public/item/photos/" + hash[0..2] + "/" + hash +
if File.exists?(filename)
File.open(filename, "r") do |file|
image_file = ImageFile.new
eval ("image_file.#{suffix} = file.read")
As you can see the whole thing depends massively on eval(). Yet I
think it's safe. First, it's only supposed to be run from irb. Second,
the eval's guarded by an array which essentially acts as a filter. It
only ever evals code generated by this code and literals from the
array. (No user input.)
The suffixes match existing suffixes on the filesystem. They
correspond to different sizes of the same image. I'm essentially
refactoring an architecture here. That's why the redundant data in the
DB. Each image now being represented on the filesystem with
"xyz_square.jpg" will soon become the square attribute of an ImageFile
object. This isn't the cleanest design, but it beats the filesystem
version for my purposes (load-balance-ability and hardware stability).
Anyway, I think in addition to being safe, this code also shows
something which would end up **significantly** less concise without
eval(). It's kind of deliberately Lispy and functional-programmy. I
would never have written anything like this before reading
"Higher-Order Perl." I think it's a good example of eval() being
useful and safe. But, you know, please knock me down (if you see me
getting high and mighty).