ANyone have any hints how I can get started figuring out how to do this?
much obliged
From: [9]Klaus Johannes Rusch ([10][email protected])
Subject: Re: shell script to lynx medline
Date: 2004-04-20 06:38:50 PST
The new site requires POST requests so you will need to pass parameters
using the -post_data option.
much obliged
From: [9]Klaus Johannes Rusch ([10][email protected])
Subject: Re: shell script to lynx medline
Date: 2004-04-20 06:38:50 PST
I used to have a BASHRC proc for searching the medical database MEDLINE
medline () { SRCH=`echo $* | sed -e 's/ /+/g'`; lynx -accept_all_cookies '[13]http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/ht bin-post/Entrez/query_old?form=4&title=no&term='$SRCH'&submit=Search&field=All+++++++++++++++++++Fields&mode=A
They now use the following format:
But I can't get this to work like a BASH proc..
The new site requires POST requests so you will need to pass parameters
using the -post_data option.