David Fraser
Following up on a promise in the Config discussion ...
preftree has been released under the Python license.
You can get version 0.3 from
The README is below... any questions or feedback welcome, a more well
packaged release can be done later.
prefstree README
prefstree is a simple python package for managing application preferences.
- prefs are stored in a text format
- prefs are in a hierarchical tree
- you can parse this tree, and get a object tree out of it
- the modified tree can be stored back into the file
- we try to make it pythonic...
Hello Prefs
Given the prefs file hello.prefs:
firstrun = 1
greet = "world"
the code:
from preftree import prefs
helloprefs = prefs.PrefsParser()
helloprefs.parse(open('hello.prefs', 'r'))
print "Hello %d" % helloprefs.hello.greet
helloprefs.hello.firstrun = 0
open('hello.prefs', 'w').write(helloprefs.getsource())
pref file format
this is an attempt to be python
pref names are "." separated
you can use them straight:
a.b.c = "hello"
a.b.d = "goodbye"
f.g = "someone"
or you can declare a node and indent children
c = "hello"
d = "goodbye"
f.g = "someone"
you can also make a value/node based on another value/node:
a.q = a.b:
c = "yes"
e = f.g
this will result in the following values:
a.b.c = "hello"
a.b.d = "goodbye"
a.q.c = "yes"
a.q.d = "goodbye"
a.q.e = "someone"
f.g = "someone"
saving back to a file attempts to preserve sensibility and human
readability without modifying unmodified prefs
preftree has been released under the Python license.
You can get version 0.3 from
The README is below... any questions or feedback welcome, a more well
packaged release can be done later.
prefstree README
prefstree is a simple python package for managing application preferences.
- prefs are stored in a text format
- prefs are in a hierarchical tree
- you can parse this tree, and get a object tree out of it
- the modified tree can be stored back into the file
- we try to make it pythonic...
Hello Prefs
Given the prefs file hello.prefs:
firstrun = 1
greet = "world"
the code:
from preftree import prefs
helloprefs = prefs.PrefsParser()
helloprefs.parse(open('hello.prefs', 'r'))
print "Hello %d" % helloprefs.hello.greet
helloprefs.hello.firstrun = 0
open('hello.prefs', 'w').write(helloprefs.getsource())
pref file format
this is an attempt to be python
pref names are "." separated
you can use them straight:
a.b.c = "hello"
a.b.d = "goodbye"
f.g = "someone"
or you can declare a node and indent children
c = "hello"
d = "goodbye"
f.g = "someone"
you can also make a value/node based on another value/node:
a.q = a.b:
c = "yes"
e = f.g
this will result in the following values:
a.b.c = "hello"
a.b.d = "goodbye"
a.q.c = "yes"
a.q.d = "goodbye"
a.q.e = "someone"
f.g = "someone"
saving back to a file attempts to preserve sensibility and human
readability without modifying unmodified prefs