Presentation software for Python code


Michael Hoffman

I mean to give a presentation next week to my workgroup on good Python
programming practice. Last time I did a Python presentation I used
PowerPoint which was not totally well-suited for the task. In
particular, formatting code snippets was a pain, and they weren't even

Does anyone here have software they would suggest for making a
presentation that includes Python code? Other than that it would
probably be mainly bullet points. I'm willing to consider TeX- and
HTML-based approaches.

John Reid

Michael said:
Does anyone here have software they would suggest for making a
presentation that includes Python code? Other than that it would
probably be mainly bullet points. I'm willing to consider TeX- and
HTML-based approaches.

I like pygments for formatting python code. It can generate TeX and you
can use it inline it in your TeX source if you like.

John Reid

Scott said:
Michael Hoffman wrote:
You might take a look at Crunchy, and just do up your talk there.
Crunchy is a Python program that combines an otherwise static html
document with an interactive Python session within a browser

IPython offers something similar for giving demos. I've found that very
useful in the past.


You might take a look at Crunchy, and just do up your talk there.
Crunchy is a Python program that combines an otherwise static html
document with an interactive Python session within a browser

A demo from an earlier version of Crunchy  (when thedemo was made,
Firfox only). The basic features of that early version of Crunchy
are demonstrated in this screencast.

And if you do use Crunchy for a presentation, you might be interested
in the html style used for Crunchy's own talk at the latest Pycon:

André Roberge


Does anyone here have software they would suggest for making a
presentation that includes Python code? Other than that it would
probably be mainly bullet points. I'm willing to consider TeX- and
HTML-based approaches.

How do you feel about reStructuredText? If you're open to it, I highly
recommend Bruce:

It also supports embedded interpreters in the presentation, which I've
seen using to good effect at conventions.

Michael Hoffman

alex23 said:
How do you feel about reStructuredText? If you're open to it, I highly
recommend Bruce:

That looks like it would be perfect. Unfortunately it doesn't seem to
work on my Windows laptop:

C:\Documents and
Settings\Michael\Desktop\bruce-3.2.1>C:\Python25\python.exe bru
ce.pyw ..\bruce-3.2.1-examples\test_bullet_mode.rst
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "bruce.pyw", line 6, in <module>
File "\bruce\", line 25, in main
File "\bruce\", line 217, in cmd_line
File "\bruce\", line 313, in run
File "\bruce\", line 31, in

File "\bruce\", line 29, in create
File "\bruce\", line 143, in create
File "\pyglet\graphics\", line 348, in add
File "\pyglet\graphics\", line 436, in

File "\pyglet\graphics\", line 135,
in create_
File "\pyglet\graphics\", line 174,
in __init_
File "\pyglet\graphics\", line 117,
in create_
File "\pyglet\graphics\", line 383,
in __init_
File "\pyglet\graphics\", line 301,
in __init_
File "\pyglet\gl\", line 94, in __call__
File "\pyglet\gl\", line 63, in MissingFunction glGenBuffers is not exported by
the avai
lable OpenGL driver. VERSION_1_5 is required for this functionality.
Exception exceptions.AttributeError: "'VertexDomain' object has no
attribute 'at
tributes'" in <bound method VertexDomain.__del__ of
<VertexDomain@a9c7350 allocs
=[]>> ignored

I don't understand this. OpenGL Extensions Viewer says I have OpenGL 1.5
and the glGenBuffers function.


That looks like it would be perfect. Unfortunately it doesn't seem to
work on my Windows laptop:

I don't understand this. OpenGL Extensions Viewer says I have OpenGL 1.5
and the glGenBuffers function.

That's a shame, if you feel like pursuing it you should report the
error to the pyglet devs, but I'd certainly understand if you didn't.


alex23 said:
That's a shame, if you feel like pursuing it you should report the
error to the pyglet devs, but I'd certainly understand if you didn't.

Might be a bug in the bundled version of pyglet, so installing it from
upstream and Bruce from source could also help.

Michael Hoffman

Sebastian said:
I can recommend latex with the beamer package. It doesn't directly support
formatting of code snippets, but the pygments syntax highlighter comes with
a Latex formatter.

This is what I have been doing so far, and it works pretty well. Thanks!


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