zuzu said:
how much code are you writing that you're testing part of it while
other parts aren't even written correctly? (i hope that sentence
makes sense.)
my programs so far are fairly small - 2-400 lines so far.
do you use irb? irb is your friend. irb knows all and sees all. irb
has *tab completion*!
Was frustrated by the lack of vi command-line editing support . I had
thought that as I had readline, this woudl be in there automatically, but
when I hit escape then k, nothing (or rather the wrong thing) happened. I
guess I need to read the configure options and recompile.
Still, irb wouldn't help catch syntax errors, presumably. The one that
bites me most (not really a syntax error) is when I'm doing something on a
string (read from a file and chomped, say), which fails with no method for
class nil (maybe I should create the method and make it do nothing?) and
the program bombs out.