All my code compiles fine with Sun's JDK but i need to be able to compile at school which is using a Eclipse compiler.
The problem I am getting is as follows:
i have a folder structure that goes as follows
and in this directory I have 3 files: ConsoleReader.java ConsoleWriter.java and ConsoleManager.java
and at the top of all three I have the following:
package cs.uwm.client.io;
ConsoleReader and ConsoleWriter are compiling fine
However in ConsoleManager I am using these classes ConsoleReader/Writer and It compile fine for me on a windows JDK in cywin, but when I try this on a Fedore6 system with an Eclipe Java Compiler v_686_R32x, 3.2.2 release I have the following error:
ConsoleWriter cannot be resolved into a type
when I try the following line: ConsoleReader reader = new ConsoleReader( System.in );
I tried importing cs.uwm.client.io but that didnt' work. I couldn't find anything on the forums here if you are trying to use a class defined in your package inside your package the way I am.
I am guessing that this is a problem specific to Eclipse compiler
I am using the Eclipse compiler on a command line.
Any help would be great!
All my code compiles fine with Sun's JDK but i need to be able to compile at school which is using a Eclipse compiler.
The problem I am getting is as follows:
i have a folder structure that goes as follows
and in this directory I have 3 files: ConsoleReader.java ConsoleWriter.java and ConsoleManager.java
and at the top of all three I have the following:
package cs.uwm.client.io;
ConsoleReader and ConsoleWriter are compiling fine
However in ConsoleManager I am using these classes ConsoleReader/Writer and It compile fine for me on a windows JDK in cywin, but when I try this on a Fedore6 system with an Eclipe Java Compiler v_686_R32x, 3.2.2 release I have the following error:
ConsoleWriter cannot be resolved into a type
when I try the following line: ConsoleReader reader = new ConsoleReader( System.in );
I tried importing cs.uwm.client.io but that didnt' work. I couldn't find anything on the forums here if you are trying to use a class defined in your package inside your package the way I am.
I am guessing that this is a problem specific to Eclipse compiler
I am using the Eclipse compiler on a command line.
Any help would be great!