Sherman KB
I needed to extend the attributes being collected by the
sqlmembershipprovider. Since we're using a sql store, inheriting from the
sqlmembershipprovider class seemed to make sense. I'm running into several
In my unit tests, when calling the DeleteUser method, I get a
System.Nullreferenceexception. This is nothing more than
Mybase.DeleteUsername(username, true).
I've got a logon control that was oringally working with the out of the box
sqlmembership provider. I've since changed my web.config file to work with my
new provider class. The error that I get is "Configured settings are invalid:
Hashed passwords cannot be retrieved. Either set the password format to
different type, or set supportsPasswordRetrieval to false".
My web.config looks like:
<membership defaultProvider="MembershipProvider"
<remove name="AspNetSqlProvider"/>
type="PDI.System.Web.Security.MemberShipProvider, Membership,
Version=" connectionStringName="Sandbox"
enablePasswordRetrieval="false" enablePasswordReset="true"
requiresQuestionAndAnswer="true" applicationName="CST"
requiresUniqueEmail="true" passwordFormat="Hashed"
maxInvalidPasswordAttempts="3" minRequiredPasswordLength="6"
minRequiredNonalphanumericCharacters="0" passwordAttemptWindow="5"
Can anyone point me in the right direction to troubleshoot this?
sqlmembershipprovider. Since we're using a sql store, inheriting from the
sqlmembershipprovider class seemed to make sense. I'm running into several
In my unit tests, when calling the DeleteUser method, I get a
System.Nullreferenceexception. This is nothing more than
Mybase.DeleteUsername(username, true).
I've got a logon control that was oringally working with the out of the box
sqlmembership provider. I've since changed my web.config file to work with my
new provider class. The error that I get is "Configured settings are invalid:
Hashed passwords cannot be retrieved. Either set the password format to
different type, or set supportsPasswordRetrieval to false".
My web.config looks like:
<membership defaultProvider="MembershipProvider"
<remove name="AspNetSqlProvider"/>
type="PDI.System.Web.Security.MemberShipProvider, Membership,
Version=" connectionStringName="Sandbox"
enablePasswordRetrieval="false" enablePasswordReset="true"
requiresQuestionAndAnswer="true" applicationName="CST"
requiresUniqueEmail="true" passwordFormat="Hashed"
maxInvalidPasswordAttempts="3" minRequiredPasswordLength="6"
minRequiredNonalphanumericCharacters="0" passwordAttemptWindow="5"
Can anyone point me in the right direction to troubleshoot this?