AJ Hakopian via .NET 247
I developed and built a ASP.NET webservice on XP Professional andinstalled it on W2003 server using a setup project. It installedand ran fine on W2003 but when I tried to install the samewebservice on W2000 server I got the error "The Installer wasinterrupted before xyz could be installed. You need to restartthe installer to try again." I checked .NET Framework version onboth servers and they are identical. There are already otherwebservices installed on W2000 but they were probably built on aW2000. I even tried stopping and restarting the installer onW2000 server but that didn't help. I don't think it ispermissions problem because I had logged in as Administrator andmade sure I had full control of the directory I was installingthe webservice to. Any ideas what the problem might be?