Hi everyone.
I had a web site developed in asp.net 1.1 wich is already in production.
I'm trying to migrate the project to framework 2.0
Initialli I had the following error during the compilation:
"Error 72 The type 'nTime.Xnoopy.Server.WebServices.Global' is ambiguous: it
could come from assembly 'C:\Visual Studio .Net
or from assembly 'C:\WINDOWS\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v2.0.50727\Temporary
ASP.NET Files\xnoopyserverws\a361590a\a1dbb2e9\App_Code.ggbfiwbk.DLL'.
Please specify the assembly explicitly in the type name. C:\Visual Studio
..Net Projects\XnoopyServer\nTime.Xnoopy.Server.WebServices\Global.asax"
I resolved this substituting the following line in the Global.asax:
"<%@ Application Inherits="nTime.Xnoopy.Server.WebServices.Global"
Language="C#" %>"
whit this:
"<%@ Application Inherits="nTime.Xnoopy.Server.WebServices,
nTime.Xnoopy.Server.WebServices.Global" Language="C#" %>"
However now i receiving the message:
"Error 72 Could not load the assembly
'nTime.Xnoopy.Server.WebServices.Global'. Make sure that it is compiled
before accessing the page. C:\Visual Studio .Net
Can anyone help?
BTW I'm using VS version 8.0.50727.42 (RTM.050727-4200)
Framework version 2.0.50727
I had a web site developed in asp.net 1.1 wich is already in production.
I'm trying to migrate the project to framework 2.0
Initialli I had the following error during the compilation:
"Error 72 The type 'nTime.Xnoopy.Server.WebServices.Global' is ambiguous: it
could come from assembly 'C:\Visual Studio .Net
or from assembly 'C:\WINDOWS\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v2.0.50727\Temporary
ASP.NET Files\xnoopyserverws\a361590a\a1dbb2e9\App_Code.ggbfiwbk.DLL'.
Please specify the assembly explicitly in the type name. C:\Visual Studio
..Net Projects\XnoopyServer\nTime.Xnoopy.Server.WebServices\Global.asax"
I resolved this substituting the following line in the Global.asax:
"<%@ Application Inherits="nTime.Xnoopy.Server.WebServices.Global"
Language="C#" %>"
whit this:
"<%@ Application Inherits="nTime.Xnoopy.Server.WebServices,
nTime.Xnoopy.Server.WebServices.Global" Language="C#" %>"
However now i receiving the message:
"Error 72 Could not load the assembly
'nTime.Xnoopy.Server.WebServices.Global'. Make sure that it is compiled
before accessing the page. C:\Visual Studio .Net
Can anyone help?
BTW I'm using VS version 8.0.50727.42 (RTM.050727-4200)
Framework version 2.0.50727