I'm writing a record from an asp.net page to SQL Server. After the insert
I'm selecting @@identity to return the ID of the record that I just wrote.
It worked fine until I typed a semicolon into one of the string fields to be
inserted. The string fields are inside single quotes in the INSERT command.
With the semicolon in the string, the record is written correctly including
the semicolon, but the identity is not returned. Without a semicolon in the
string, the identity is returned correctly. The code is below, any
suggestions would be appreciated. The field with the semicolon is
ContractNumber. Thanks.
lsSQL = "INSERT INTO tblVPContracts (NonContracted, ContractNumber,
POReqNumber, ForInfoOnly, ImmediateActionReq, ModifiedBy) VALUES (" _
+ NonContracted.ToString + ", '" + tbContractNum.Text + "', '" +
TextBox1.Text + "', " + ForInfoOnly.ToString + ", " +
ImmediateAction.ToString + ", " + UserID.ToString + " )"
Dim MyCommand As SqlCommand = New SqlCommand(lsSQL, conn)
Dim sSelect As String = "SELECT @@IDENTITY as NewID"
Dim DataSet As New DataSet
Dim adapter As New SqlDataAdapter
adapter.SelectCommand = New SqlCommand(sSelect, conn)
adapter.Fill(DataSet, "Identity")
I'm selecting @@identity to return the ID of the record that I just wrote.
It worked fine until I typed a semicolon into one of the string fields to be
inserted. The string fields are inside single quotes in the INSERT command.
With the semicolon in the string, the record is written correctly including
the semicolon, but the identity is not returned. Without a semicolon in the
string, the identity is returned correctly. The code is below, any
suggestions would be appreciated. The field with the semicolon is
ContractNumber. Thanks.
lsSQL = "INSERT INTO tblVPContracts (NonContracted, ContractNumber,
POReqNumber, ForInfoOnly, ImmediateActionReq, ModifiedBy) VALUES (" _
+ NonContracted.ToString + ", '" + tbContractNum.Text + "', '" +
TextBox1.Text + "', " + ForInfoOnly.ToString + ", " +
ImmediateAction.ToString + ", " + UserID.ToString + " )"
Dim MyCommand As SqlCommand = New SqlCommand(lsSQL, conn)
Dim sSelect As String = "SELECT @@IDENTITY as NewID"
Dim DataSet As New DataSet
Dim adapter As New SqlDataAdapter
adapter.SelectCommand = New SqlCommand(sSelect, conn)
adapter.Fill(DataSet, "Identity")