Rui Maciel
I've just started learning how to use the wchar_t data type as the basis for
Unicode strings and unfortunately I'm having quite a bit of problems, both
in the C front and the Unicode front.
In this case,it seems that the wprintf function isn't able to print a string
beyond the first character. I don't have a clue why this is happening. Here
is the test code:
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <wchar.h>
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
wchar_t *snafu = L"notação";
On a side note, I was amazed at the amount of information available
regarding the whole Unicode in C issue. It's practically nonexistent. As a
sign, according to Google Groups since at far as 2000 this newsgroup only
saw about 18 threads where the the word wprintf was mentioned. Is everyone
purposely ignoring Unicode or is there a better, standard way to handle it
besides using wchar_t and all those w* functions?
Rui Maciel
Unicode strings and unfortunately I'm having quite a bit of problems, both
in the C front and the Unicode front.
In this case,it seems that the wprintf function isn't able to print a string
beyond the first character. I don't have a clue why this is happening. Here
is the test code:
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <wchar.h>
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
wchar_t *snafu = L"notação";
On a side note, I was amazed at the amount of information available
regarding the whole Unicode in C issue. It's practically nonexistent. As a
sign, according to Google Groups since at far as 2000 this newsgroup only
saw about 18 threads where the the word wprintf was mentioned. Is everyone
purposely ignoring Unicode or is there a better, standard way to handle it
besides using wchar_t and all those w* functions?
Rui Maciel