Problem with accentued characters

  • Thread starter Pierre Thibault
  • Start date

Pierre Thibault


I am having problems with a perl script. The fellowing script is
working well except for directory or file names using accented
characters. The last line (!system...) is giving me errors when I'm
using the result from the 'find' command if the file or the directory
contain accented characters. The error is "No such file or directory".

I'm using Perl 5.0 version 8 subversion 1 RC3 on Mac OS 10.3.4.

I really don't know how to solve this problem. Any help would be

# Create a list of files with their MD5 sums

use strict;

`mkdir -p /Users/pierreth/M5`;

my @path_list = ((split /:/, $ENV{"PATH"}), "/Applications");
for(@path_list) {
my $file_name_for_path = $_;
$file_name_for_path =~ s#/#-#g;
$file_name_for_path =~ s#^-##;
my $save_path = "/Users/pierreth/M5/$file_name_for_path";
`rm $save_path -f > /dev/null 2>&1`;
print "Now processing $file_name_for_path\n";
for(`find -L $_ -type f`) {
s#\\#\\\\#g; # Paying attention to special character like \
s#'#\\'#g; # or '
!system ("md5sum '".$_."' >> '".$save_path."'") or die "Error $_

John W. Krahn

Pierre said:
I am having problems with a perl script. The fellowing script is
working well except for directory or file names using accented
characters. The last line (!system...) is giving me errors when I'm
using the result from the 'find' command if the file or the directory
contain accented characters. The error is "No such file or directory".

While Perl is a good "glue" language it is better to use Perl's built-in
features and modules for more efficiency and control.

I'm using Perl 5.0 version 8 subversion 1 RC3 on Mac OS 10.3.4.

I really don't know how to solve this problem. Any help would be

# Create a list of files with their MD5 sums

use strict;

`mkdir -p /Users/pierreth/M5`;

my @path_list = ((split /:/, $ENV{"PATH"}), "/Applications");
for(@path_list) {
my $file_name_for_path = $_;
$file_name_for_path =~ s#/#-#g;
$file_name_for_path =~ s#^-##;
my $save_path = "/Users/pierreth/M5/$file_name_for_path";
`rm $save_path -f > /dev/null 2>&1`;
print "Now processing $file_name_for_path\n";
for(`find -L $_ -type f`) {
s#\\#\\\\#g; # Paying attention to special character like \
s#'#\\'#g; # or '
!system ("md5sum '".$_."' >> '".$save_path."'") or die "Error $_


# Create a list of files with their MD5 sums

use warnings;
use strict;
use File::Find;
use File::path;
use Env '@PATH';
use Digest::MD5 'md5_hex';

my $dir = '/Users/pierreth/M5';

-d $dir or eval { mkpath( $dir ) };
die "Cannot create $dir: $@" if $@;

for my $path ( @PATH, '/Applications' ) {
( my $file_name_for_path = $path ) =~ s!^/!!;
$file_name_for_path =~ tr!/!-!;
my $save_path = "$dir/$file_name_for_path";

open my $MD5, '>', $save_path or die "Cannot open $save_path: $!";
print "Now processing $file_name_for_path\n";

find( sub {
return unless -f;
local $/;
open my $FILE, '<', $_ or die "Cannot open $_: $!";
binmode $FILE;
print $MD5 md5_hex( <$FILE> ), " $_\n";
}, $path );



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