I know alot of people have the problem with indexed pixel format. I hope
someone can show me the solution to this.I am have problem with graphics
with the following code giving the error:
"A Graphics object cannot be created from an image that has an indexed pixel
'My code
<%@ Page Language="vb" %>
<%@ import namespace="system.drawing" %>
<%@ import namespace="system.drawing.imaging" %>
<%@ import namespace="system.drawing.drawing2d" %>
' initialise the web object
Dim webC As New System.Net.WebClient()
' set the URL
Dim strFilename as string
' create a bitmap based on the image from the URL
Dim g = New System.Drawing.Bitmap(webC.OpenRead(strFilename))
dim gr as graphics = graphics.fromimage(g) ' create a New graphic object
from the above bmp
gr.smoothingMode = smoothingMode.antiAlias ' antialias objects
'' draw the number on the image canvas in verdana 10pt font bold
gr.drawString("ABC", New
font("verdana",14,fontstyle.bold),systembrushes.windowtext, New pointF(2,2))
' send the image to the viewer
g.save(response.outputstream, g.rawformat)
' tidy up
webC = Nothing
someone can show me the solution to this.I am have problem with graphics
with the following code giving the error:
"A Graphics object cannot be created from an image that has an indexed pixel
'My code
<%@ Page Language="vb" %>
<%@ import namespace="system.drawing" %>
<%@ import namespace="system.drawing.imaging" %>
<%@ import namespace="system.drawing.drawing2d" %>
' initialise the web object
Dim webC As New System.Net.WebClient()
' set the URL
Dim strFilename as string
' create a bitmap based on the image from the URL
Dim g = New System.Drawing.Bitmap(webC.OpenRead(strFilename))
dim gr as graphics = graphics.fromimage(g) ' create a New graphic object
from the above bmp
gr.smoothingMode = smoothingMode.antiAlias ' antialias objects
'' draw the number on the image canvas in verdana 10pt font bold
gr.drawString("ABC", New
font("verdana",14,fontstyle.bold),systembrushes.windowtext, New pointF(2,2))
' send the image to the viewer
g.save(response.outputstream, g.rawformat)
' tidy up
webC = Nothing