Bruno Moura
I'm having a problem to conect and use ruby to performe some operations
with a mysql database. I downloaded the gem mysql 2.7.3 (win32) and
added the windows path with mysql bin and mysql lib entries.When a try
to execute the script below an error occurs, with a message:
Error in the entry of procedure mysql_stmt_row_tell in lib LIBMYSQL.dll?
in the code:
require 'rubygems'
require 'mysql'
m = Mysql.new("localhost","user","pass","database")
r = m.query("SELECT * FROM table")
r.each_hash do |f|
print "#{f['camp1']} - #{f['camp2']}"
Could you help me, please?
I'm having a problem to conect and use ruby to performe some operations
with a mysql database. I downloaded the gem mysql 2.7.3 (win32) and
added the windows path with mysql bin and mysql lib entries.When a try
to execute the script below an error occurs, with a message:
Error in the entry of procedure mysql_stmt_row_tell in lib LIBMYSQL.dll?
in the code:
require 'rubygems'
require 'mysql'
m = Mysql.new("localhost","user","pass","database")
r = m.query("SELECT * FROM table")
r.each_hash do |f|
print "#{f['camp1']} - #{f['camp2']}"
Could you help me, please?