problem with running foxruby on windows 2000


Mohsen Akhavan

Hello How are you ,I installed ruby 1.8.2 with fxruby 1.2.6 for
windows ,I use windows 2000 ,I want to do the foxruby tutorials and I
need to run foxruby ,but I don’t know realy how to do it in windows 2000
,I don’t know how to run fox ruby on windows 2000 to do the tutorial
please help me because when If I can’t install foxruby I can’t do

sincrely yours Mohsena

Alexander Fleck

you' ve already installed fxruby? Then just try the tutorials. Notice the 'require 'fox'' statement. Perhaps you need to change that to fox12 or fox14, according to your installed ruby version. You then can run your fox apps like common ruby scripts.


Hello and thank you very much for your attention ,in which directory
should I use require ? should I use windows dos prompt?
sincerely yours Mohsena

Alexander Fleck

When you' ve installed ruby on 2K, you can double-click your script file. You don' t need to give a path by require.

Mohsen Akhavan

Hello and thank you very much for your attention:
I use 'require 'fox12'' and 'require 'fox'14' and it didn't work and
it send me back this error:require is not recognized as an internal or
external command,operable or batch file
sincerely yours Mohsena

Fernando Allen

If you installed ruby with the One-Click-Installer for Windows, try
using this to require the FxRuby lib:

require 'rubygems'
require_gem 'fxruby'

David Vallner

While we're at it, did anyone else encounter a problem where FOX dialog
windows open notably off the top left edge of the screen? I've had that
happen with the FreeRIDE options dialog and some of the widget sample
ones when I use a theme with Extra Large 120dpi fonts.

David Vallner
Still unconvinced about FOX

Mohsen Akhavan

David said:
While we're at it, did anyone else encounter a problem where FOX dialog
windows open notably off the top left edge of the screen? I've had that
happen with the FreeRIDE options dialog and some of the widget sample
ones when I use a theme with Extra Large 120dpi fonts.

David Vallner
Still unconvinced about FOX

Hello and Thank you very much "Fernando Allen" ,realy the require
didn’t work but require_gem 'fxruby' worked and I wrote the first
foxruby application ,I should mention that I have the same problem that
"David Vallner" encountered it means FOX dialog windows open notaly off
the top edge of the screen .any one has any clue about this please.

sincerely yours Mohsena

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