Hello. I have something like that:
from twisted.words.protocols.jabber import xmlstream
from twisted.internet import protocol
from twisted.words.xish import domish, utility
from twisted.internet import reactor
from twisted.python import log
import sys, hashlib
def magicHash(password, sid):
magic1 = 0x50305735
magic2 = 0x12345671
sum = 7
for s in range(len(password)):
z = ord(password);
if (z == ' '):
if (z == '\t'):
magic1 = magic1 ^ ((((magic1 & 0x3f) + sum) * z) + (magic1
<< 8))
magic2 = magic2 + ((magic2 << 8) ^ magic1)
sum += z
magic1 = magic1 & 0x7fffffff
magic2 = magic2 & 0x7fffffff
return ('%08x%08x'%(magic1, magic2))
def ping(xmlstream):
print 'ping'
xmlstream.send(' \t ')
reactor.callLater(40, ping, xmlstream)
class TlenAuthInitializer(object):
def __init__(self, xs):
print "Wykonywanie TlenAuthInitializer"
self.xmlstream = xs
def initialize(self):
print "Wykonywanie TlenAuthInitializer - initialize"
iq = xmlstream.IQ(self.xmlstream, "set")
print '1'
iq['id'] = self.xmlstream.sid
print '2'
q = iq.addElement('query', 'jabber:iq:auth')
print '3'
q.addElement('username', content = self.xmlstream.authenticator.jid)
print '4'
q.addElement('digest', content =
print '4'
q.addElement('resource', content = 't')
print '6'
q.addElement('host', content = 'tlen.pl')
print q.toXml(prefixes=self.prefixes, closeElement=0)
print '7'
d = iq.send('q')
print '8'
print '9'
print '10'
def _authreply(self, el):
print "Wykonywanie TlenAuthInitializer - _authreply"
print el.toXml()
reactor.callLater(40, ping, self.xmlstream)
def _authfail(self, el):
print "Wykonywanie TlenAuthInitializer - _authfail"
print el.toXml()
class TlenAuthenticator(xmlstream.ConnectAuthenticator):
def __init__(self, jid, password, host):
print "Wykonywanie TlenAuthenticator"
xmlstream.ConnectAuthenticator.__init__(self, host)
self.jid = jid
self.password = password
def associateWithStream(self, xs):
print "Wykonywanie TlenAuthenticator - associateWithStream"
xs.version = (0, 0)
xmlstream.ConnectAuthenticator.associateWithStream(self, xs)
inits = [(TlenAuthInitializer, True)]
for initClass, required in inits:
init = initClass(xs)
init.required = required
class TlenStream(xmlstream.XmlStream):
def sendHeader(self):
print "Wykonywanie TlenStream - sendHeader"
rootElem = domish.Element((None, 's'))
rootElem['v'] = '9'
rootElem['t'] = '06000224'
self.rootElem = rootElem
self.send(rootElem.toXml(prefixes=self.prefixes, closeElement=0))
self._headerSent = True
print 'XMLed rootElem from sendHeader
'+rootElem.toXml(prefixes=self.prefixes, closeElement=0)
def sendFooter(self):
print "Wykonywanie TlenStream - sendFooter"
def onDocumentStart(self, rootelem):
print "Wykonywanie TlenStream - onDocumentStart"
xmlstream.XmlStream.onDocumentStart(self, rootelem)
print 'rootelem from onDocumentStart '+rootelem.toXml()
if rootelem.hasAttribute("i"):
self.sid = rootelem["i"]
class TlenStreamFactory(xmlstream.XmlStreamFactory):
def __init__(self, authenticator):
print "Wykonywanie TlenStreamFactory"
xmlstream.XmlStreamFactory.__init__(self, authenticator)
self.authenticator = authenticator
def buildProtocol(self, _):
print "Wykonywanie TlenStreamFactory - buildProtocol"
# Create the stream and register all the bootstrap observers
xs = TlenStream(self.authenticator)
xs.factory = self
for event, fn in self.bootstraps: xs.addObserver(event, fn)
return xs
def lg(el):
print 'all>',el
def err(el):
print 'err>', el
factory = TlenStreamFactory(TlenAuthenticator('portsentry',
'linux1991','s1.tlen.pl' ))
factory.addBootstrap('/*', lg)
reactor.connectTCP('s1.tlen.pl', 443, factory)
Now... I have problem with that. It not print me any errors but there
is something with d = iq.send('q') on TlenAuthInitializer -
initialize. I dont know why but python print me just "6" and stops...
its strange... anyone have suggestions?
from twisted.words.protocols.jabber import xmlstream
from twisted.internet import protocol
from twisted.words.xish import domish, utility
from twisted.internet import reactor
from twisted.python import log
import sys, hashlib
def magicHash(password, sid):
magic1 = 0x50305735
magic2 = 0x12345671
sum = 7
for s in range(len(password)):
z = ord(password
if (z == ' '):
if (z == '\t'):
magic1 = magic1 ^ ((((magic1 & 0x3f) + sum) * z) + (magic1
<< 8))
magic2 = magic2 + ((magic2 << 8) ^ magic1)
sum += z
magic1 = magic1 & 0x7fffffff
magic2 = magic2 & 0x7fffffff
return ('%08x%08x'%(magic1, magic2))
def ping(xmlstream):
print 'ping'
xmlstream.send(' \t ')
reactor.callLater(40, ping, xmlstream)
class TlenAuthInitializer(object):
def __init__(self, xs):
print "Wykonywanie TlenAuthInitializer"
self.xmlstream = xs
def initialize(self):
print "Wykonywanie TlenAuthInitializer - initialize"
iq = xmlstream.IQ(self.xmlstream, "set")
print '1'
iq['id'] = self.xmlstream.sid
print '2'
q = iq.addElement('query', 'jabber:iq:auth')
print '3'
q.addElement('username', content = self.xmlstream.authenticator.jid)
print '4'
q.addElement('digest', content =
print '4'
q.addElement('resource', content = 't')
print '6'
q.addElement('host', content = 'tlen.pl')
print q.toXml(prefixes=self.prefixes, closeElement=0)
print '7'
d = iq.send('q')
print '8'
print '9'
print '10'
def _authreply(self, el):
print "Wykonywanie TlenAuthInitializer - _authreply"
print el.toXml()
reactor.callLater(40, ping, self.xmlstream)
def _authfail(self, el):
print "Wykonywanie TlenAuthInitializer - _authfail"
print el.toXml()
class TlenAuthenticator(xmlstream.ConnectAuthenticator):
def __init__(self, jid, password, host):
print "Wykonywanie TlenAuthenticator"
xmlstream.ConnectAuthenticator.__init__(self, host)
self.jid = jid
self.password = password
def associateWithStream(self, xs):
print "Wykonywanie TlenAuthenticator - associateWithStream"
xs.version = (0, 0)
xmlstream.ConnectAuthenticator.associateWithStream(self, xs)
inits = [(TlenAuthInitializer, True)]
for initClass, required in inits:
init = initClass(xs)
init.required = required
class TlenStream(xmlstream.XmlStream):
def sendHeader(self):
print "Wykonywanie TlenStream - sendHeader"
rootElem = domish.Element((None, 's'))
rootElem['v'] = '9'
rootElem['t'] = '06000224'
self.rootElem = rootElem
self.send(rootElem.toXml(prefixes=self.prefixes, closeElement=0))
self._headerSent = True
print 'XMLed rootElem from sendHeader
'+rootElem.toXml(prefixes=self.prefixes, closeElement=0)
def sendFooter(self):
print "Wykonywanie TlenStream - sendFooter"
def onDocumentStart(self, rootelem):
print "Wykonywanie TlenStream - onDocumentStart"
xmlstream.XmlStream.onDocumentStart(self, rootelem)
print 'rootelem from onDocumentStart '+rootelem.toXml()
if rootelem.hasAttribute("i"):
self.sid = rootelem["i"]
class TlenStreamFactory(xmlstream.XmlStreamFactory):
def __init__(self, authenticator):
print "Wykonywanie TlenStreamFactory"
xmlstream.XmlStreamFactory.__init__(self, authenticator)
self.authenticator = authenticator
def buildProtocol(self, _):
print "Wykonywanie TlenStreamFactory - buildProtocol"
# Create the stream and register all the bootstrap observers
xs = TlenStream(self.authenticator)
xs.factory = self
for event, fn in self.bootstraps: xs.addObserver(event, fn)
return xs
def lg(el):
print 'all>',el
def err(el):
print 'err>', el
factory = TlenStreamFactory(TlenAuthenticator('portsentry',
'linux1991','s1.tlen.pl' ))
factory.addBootstrap('/*', lg)
reactor.connectTCP('s1.tlen.pl', 443, factory)
Now... I have problem with that. It not print me any errors but there
is something with d = iq.send('q') on TlenAuthInitializer -
initialize. I dont know why but python print me just "6" and stops...
its strange... anyone have suggestions?