First of all I am very new to c++ so please bear with me. I am trying
to create a program that keeps an inventory of items. I am trying to
use a struct to store a product name, purchase price, sell price, and
a taxable flag (a Y/N char) and then write this all out to a file
(preferably just a plain old text file) and then read it in later so
that I can keep a running inventory. The problem that I am running
into is when I write to the file it seems save it but when I read it
back in it doesn't seem to give me anything. From what I have been
able to figure out so far you can't just save a String to a file you
have to manipulate it somehow but being very new (and not that good)
at c++ I can't figure out a practical way to do it.
Is there any simple way to handle this or might I be better off trying
to do it somehow other than a Struct?
This is what I have so far, tried to limit the code to what relates to
this problem so it might make a little more sense. If more is needed
will be happy to post.
struct product
int stockNum;
string name;
float cost;
float price;
char tax;
product inventory[25];
ofstream st("c:/stock.txt");
ifstream stI("c:/stock.txt");
stI.read((char *)&inventory, sizeof(inventory));
if (stockChoice == 1)
stockChoice = 0;
inventory[counter].stockNum = counter;
cout << "Product Number: " << inventory[counter].stockNum;
cout << "\nEnter product name: ";
cin >> inventory[counter].name;
cout << "\nEnter product purchase cost: ";
cin >> inventory[counter].cost;
cout << "\nEnter product purchase price: ";
cin >> inventory[counter].price;
cout << "\nIs product taxable (Y/N): ";
cin >> inventory[counter].tax;
cout << "\n\nProduct Entered: " << inventory[counter].stockNum <<
inventory[counter].name << " " << inventory[counter].cost << " " <<
inventory[counter].price << " " << inventory[counter].tax;
st.write((char *)&inventory, sizeof(inventory));
Thank you!
to create a program that keeps an inventory of items. I am trying to
use a struct to store a product name, purchase price, sell price, and
a taxable flag (a Y/N char) and then write this all out to a file
(preferably just a plain old text file) and then read it in later so
that I can keep a running inventory. The problem that I am running
into is when I write to the file it seems save it but when I read it
back in it doesn't seem to give me anything. From what I have been
able to figure out so far you can't just save a String to a file you
have to manipulate it somehow but being very new (and not that good)
at c++ I can't figure out a practical way to do it.
Is there any simple way to handle this or might I be better off trying
to do it somehow other than a Struct?
This is what I have so far, tried to limit the code to what relates to
this problem so it might make a little more sense. If more is needed
will be happy to post.
struct product
int stockNum;
string name;
float cost;
float price;
char tax;
product inventory[25];
ofstream st("c:/stock.txt");
ifstream stI("c:/stock.txt");
stI.read((char *)&inventory, sizeof(inventory));
if (stockChoice == 1)
stockChoice = 0;
inventory[counter].stockNum = counter;
cout << "Product Number: " << inventory[counter].stockNum;
cout << "\nEnter product name: ";
cin >> inventory[counter].name;
cout << "\nEnter product purchase cost: ";
cin >> inventory[counter].cost;
cout << "\nEnter product purchase price: ";
cin >> inventory[counter].price;
cout << "\nIs product taxable (Y/N): ";
cin >> inventory[counter].tax;
cout << "\n\nProduct Entered: " << inventory[counter].stockNum <<
inventory[counter].name << " " << inventory[counter].cost << " " <<
inventory[counter].price << " " << inventory[counter].tax;
st.write((char *)&inventory, sizeof(inventory));
Thank you!