I have been working on some simple dice rollers, and the problem is
they tend to roll too high. for a given group of dice, say 3 6-sideds,
it tends to generate the higher numbers in the range more often than
the lower ones ( 4 to 5 rather than 1 to 3 ).
ive tried both reseeding for each group of dice ( to continue the
example above, all 3 6-sideds ) and reseeding for each dice ( i reseed
before generating each value b/w 1 and 6 )
any suggestions on how i can have a more even overall distribution of
numbers throughout the range?
they tend to roll too high. for a given group of dice, say 3 6-sideds,
it tends to generate the higher numbers in the range more often than
the lower ones ( 4 to 5 rather than 1 to 3 ).
ive tried both reseeding for each group of dice ( to continue the
example above, all 3 6-sideds ) and reseeding for each dice ( i reseed
before generating each value b/w 1 and 6 )
any suggestions on how i can have a more even overall distribution of
numbers throughout the range?