I have the following in my web.config:
<profile defaultProvider="MyASPSqlProfileProvider" enabled="true" >
<add name="FirstName" defaultValue="" type="string"/>
<add name="MiddleInitial" defaultValue="" type="string" />
<add name="LastName" defaultValue="" type="string"/>
<add name="Address1" defaultValue="" type="string"/>
<add name="Address2" defaultValue="" type="string"/>
<add name="City" defaultValue="" type="string"/>
<add name="State" defaultValue=""/>
<add name="Country" defaultValue="" type="string"/>
<add name="PostalCode" defaultValue="" type="string"/>
<add name="Phone" defaultValue="" type="string"/>
<add name="NewsLetterOK" defaultValue="true" type="bool"/>
<add name="LastOrder" defaultValue="" type="System.DateTime"/>
When I compile, I don't get a Profile class. If I try to use it anyway
I get compiler errors. What am I doing wrong?
Using VS2008.
Every site I visit says you simple add <profile> with some properties
and VS will generate the Profile class for you.
<profile defaultProvider="MyASPSqlProfileProvider" enabled="true" >
<add name="FirstName" defaultValue="" type="string"/>
<add name="MiddleInitial" defaultValue="" type="string" />
<add name="LastName" defaultValue="" type="string"/>
<add name="Address1" defaultValue="" type="string"/>
<add name="Address2" defaultValue="" type="string"/>
<add name="City" defaultValue="" type="string"/>
<add name="State" defaultValue=""/>
<add name="Country" defaultValue="" type="string"/>
<add name="PostalCode" defaultValue="" type="string"/>
<add name="Phone" defaultValue="" type="string"/>
<add name="NewsLetterOK" defaultValue="true" type="bool"/>
<add name="LastOrder" defaultValue="" type="System.DateTime"/>
When I compile, I don't get a Profile class. If I try to use it anyway
I get compiler errors. What am I doing wrong?
Using VS2008.
Every site I visit says you simple add <profile> with some properties
and VS will generate the Profile class for you.